October O9, 2O13

13 1 1

Heey you face fucks.  ♥

Well, I'm in a pretty happy fucking mood today. LOL, I spent some time with the older brother today.♥  It was fucking AMAZING. We did stay home but we talked a lot. LOL. It was good though. We talked about sports and the future. Like college and where we want to live and stuff.

I want to get a job when ever I can, earliest I can. I want to work and save up the money I earn then when I graduate, have my bags packed and I'm going to move to WASHINGTON. I want to move their because it is always raining and cloudy and that's how my insides feel, sad. But enough of that. I want to go to any college their and get a good job once my University is done. Then like adopt a child and spoil that kid rotten, give the kid love and everything I wanted but never got from my mom.

My brother wants to stay here and go to an In-State college. He already has his applications to the colleges and stuff. So yeah, he graduates in 2014. Which is good. So he wants to stay here until he is 20 and then he will move out into a dorm or get some room mates. Then finish college and get a good degree and find a good job.

We also talked about my 14 lovers. One Direction, 5 Seconds Of Summer and the Janoskians. <3 So yeah. They are beyond perfection. LITERALLY. One Direction has been so fucking good to me. They are like the perfect singers. 5 Seconds Of Summer have like the vocals of angels sent from heaven, put into the bodies of perfect life ruining fucks. Janoskians are like the funniest people every, they make me smile when I am sad. They all make me want to live. ♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥

Umm, oh yeah. I started eating again. I know, I'm weak. I have no self control. Yeah, that's true. But my brother told me how beautiful I am, now and he said not to do anything to harm myself. Well, easier said than done. He doesn't know I cut. Only those friends. Who I don't talk to anymore. I don't talk to them because I feel different, yet again.

You know good music to listen to when you are sad?

One Direction - Little Things ♥

One Direction - Diana ♥

Kelly Clarkson - Stronger♥

Demi Lovato - Skyscraper♥

Miley Cyrus - Wrecking Ball♥

P!nk - Perfect ♥

Jessie J - Who You Are ♥

That last one? Its fucking perfect.

Well, yeah.

If you are thinking of starting to cut, DONT. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here. All the fucking time. I will be your shoulder to cry on. Just talk to me. Alright? I love you.



That last part, I mean it. I do love you. Talk to me.

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