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“Gollum!!”,Legolas hissed as he saw Gollum was holding his little son.

“Elfseses!”,he hissed back and carried Limdur and tried to flee.He broke inside the castle through the glass window.All the guards started to head in.

“Naneth…Naneth”,Limdur’s voice was calling Joy inside her head.She started to remember the first day where Sirius was borned,till he growed up.They play and love each other very much.A strong bond between mother and son.It was very much the same memories she had with Limdur as Faerveren.Tears roll from her eyes as the horse was galloping

I need to get there fast

She thought to herself.

Call upon my name with the pearl and I will grant your wish

She heard Poseidon’s voice saying to her.She looks at her pendant and it glows like it was waiting orders from Joy.Quickly,she grasped it tightly and close her eyes as she said:

“Father,My son needs me.Please,I need to get right at where he was”,her whole body with the horse start to glow and fade in to blue ocean light as her horse was still galloping.

Crossing Dimension-Legolas Fanfiction(Lord of the Rings)Where stories live. Discover now