In these days

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“And that is the Legends of Mirkwood: Crossing Dimensions!”,Prince Limdur ended his story proudly.All the young elfs clapped their hands and cheered to hear the ending.

“Legends you say?It was no legend.It really happened”,King Legolas suddenly pops into the garden with Queen Faerveren beside him.He was holding her hand as they walked in together.

“Ahh,the wise King of Mirkwood.I was just telling them some stories for story time”,Prince Limdur teased Legolas.

“A history it is.History of Mirkwood Crossing Dimensions”,King Legolas said firmly with a smile.

“History of Mirkwood?Adar,it’s hard to say it’s a history”,Prince Limdur replied.Not wanting to surrender to his father.King Legolas furrowed his eyebrows.He sighed to his father’s reaction.

“Naneth landed in Lothlorien.Remember?She came to Mirkwood once Gollum attacked us”

“You mean abducted you trying to make you as Sauron?”,King Legolas teased him.The little elvens gasp and squeeled as they heard what King Legolas said.

“Prince Limdur is Sauron!”

“Run!”,and the elvens youngsters run around the garden.Like seriously scared of Prince Limdur.

“Adar!Look what have they thought of me!”,Prince Limdur scolded Legolas as he furrowed his eyebrows.Queen Faerveren just giggled as she looks down.

“You both just never change do you?”

“Naneth…Please…Look what Adar made the childrens thought of me”,Prince Limdur begged his mother for help.Then,King Legolas released his queen’s hand and started playing with Prince Limdur like he did before.At first,he didn’t want to react back but since his father got him annoyed easily.So,they are on the game.Queen Faerveren just chuckled seeing them.Right beside her was a fountain.She look straight at its flowing water when she saw Poseidon and someone who look liked her but her hair was curly and blond,standing beside Poseidon.Their images were on the water.


My child,we are always here for you.Live a good life

I love you,My daughter

Menelwen said after Poseidon.She let out a light sigh.Faerveren was feeling a bit nostalgic after she saw her parents image on the water fountain.Then,Prince Limdur hugged her.He was a bit taller than her already considering his age was about 100 something.Then,King Legolas went to beside Queen Faerveren.She pulled them both into embrace.

“My beloved husband and son”

“I love you,Naneth”,Prince Limdur said affectionately.

“I love you,Melanin”,King Legolas continued.He then pecks her and the three of them embraced each other.

Who would have that Faerveren would have crossed our dimension just to be reunited with her husband and child?

The End

Proudly written by Dulliniel


Loisa Elsa Leo


Crossing Dimension-Legolas Fanfiction(Lord of the Rings)Where stories live. Discover now