Do not let shades of grief covers your soul

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“May their souls rest in peace”

“Amen”,it was very early morning when the funeral for Nicholas and Sirius was held.It ended at the town’s cemetery.All dressed in black.Their graves was side by side.Soon,everyone went home leaving Joy alone before the graves of her beloveds.She was in a black coat,black slack and black hat.She kneel right in front of the graveyards.

“I’m sorry.Please forgive me.Please I’m so sorry”

She said with regret as tears fall from her eyes.She suffers very much as the memories of the three of them used to had crept in her mind.It’s all happening very fast in her mind.

Three days passed after the funeral of Faerveren.His little son was in his arms as he was sitting on a rocking chair in Legolas’s room.He is hold Limdur’s hands tightly as his son was sleeping calmly in his arms.The face and laughter of Faerveren were playing in his memories.This time,tears fall again from his blue eyes.

Not a while,Thranduil,Lord Elrond,Lady Galadriel and Lord Celebron enters his room.He didn’t even give respond as he was thinking of Faerveren.They stand before him as he slowly lift his eyes to them.

“Legolas Thranduil,do not let shades of grief covers your soul of warrior.Soon,she is to be reunited with you.Sooner than you thought”

Galadriel said with joy and hope.Legolas was shock and hope lits in his souls slowly.She smiled and turned to her husband,Lord Celebron.

“The incarnation of Poseidon and daughter of Lady of Menelwen.Lady Faerveren will never die for she loves you and your son so dearly.She cannot withstand to be separated through time,dimension and spaces from both of you”

“She herself will come to find you.Sooner than you thought.But,in order to help her reunited with you”,Lady Galadriel continue after Lord Celebron declaration.She kneels right before Legolas and caressed the head of his little son.She looks at him fondly.

“You might be blinded by your sorrows.But not your son.He is always filled with glee as portion of Faerveren spirits dwells in him.His soul senses is sharper than a sword,an axe or an arrow.He knew very well the incarnation of Lady Faerveren.Though,many forces will try to take him away as Faerveren comes here.Take good care of your son”,Lady Galadriel explained.Her blue

eyes met with Legolas sorrowful eyes as he embraced his son tighter.

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