Chapter VI

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Taylor's POV

"Hey, Mr. Uber driver? Do you happen to have an iPhone charger on you?"

The driver began rummaging around in his console and yanked a charger out for me.

"Thanks," I said while poking the end into my phone.

"You're very welcome Ms. Taylor. Help yourself to some water in the cooler beside you."

"Wow, Mr. Uber Driver. You are definitely getting high ratings."

My phone finally powered up and the first thing I needed to do was call Jasmine.

Went straight to voicemail.

So I decided to shoot her a text.

Jasmine? I know u r worried but I just want to let u know I'm safe n I'm on my way home. U don't know how sorry I am and disappointed in myself for leaving without letting you know. When I get home, hopefully we can talk this out. Love you lots! ❤️

I sent the text and laid my head on the window. I can not fathom what happened last night. This was so unlike myself! Having sex with a stranger and not telling my cousin where I'm going. What the fuck is wrong with me?

After the Uber dropped me off I did not want to face what was inside, an angry cousin who will probably be extremely pissed.

I went up to the door and rung the doorbell.

No answer. Jasmine isn't at work since her car is here.

I knock a few times on the door.

The knob begins to jiggle and the door opens.

It's Jasmine all dressed up for work and looking back at me like a disappointed mother.

"Jasmine I'm sorr-"

"Just come in the house."

I took that walk of shame inside.

She closes the door behind me and starts yelling.

"Taylor! What the hell is wrong with you? After I asked you for money at the club last night I couldn't find you anywhere. I looked everywhere for you until I saw you walking out with some guy. By the time I made it outside, you and him were gone. Why did you ignore my call? Just why? Then you ignored the rest of my calls! Right after I stayed up all night waiting for you to come back! Stupid ass move, Taylor. STUPID. ASS. MOVE."

Why is she yelling at me like she is my parent? Plus why is she talking to me like that? She's been always trying to boss me ever since we moved here to California.

"Okay, so what I was leaving with a guy? That's none of your business. Stop trying to act like you're my mom and act more like my cousin because that's what you are! I was too caught up and busy to answer. Sorry for having fun! I swear I thought that's what you wanted for me!"

Jasmine and I looked dead at each other in the eyes until she grabbed her purse and stormed out the door.

The hard slam knocked a picture down of us off the wall. A picture of us when we were young.

And happy.

Not arguing.

"Damn," I said while picking the frame up.

This isn't Jasmine's fault. It's mine.

Chapter 6! Guys y'all don't want to miss the next chapters there will be a few surprises! So please look out for those! Thanks for reading. xoxo 💕

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