Chapter XI

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Taylor's POV

Life has been a little more decent ever since I hung out with Klay. I've been way more happier than I used to. Most importantly, less awkward and it's really showing because others have noticed. Even my Jasmine mentions all the time now how I'm a changed woman.

Occasionally Klay and I talk to each other on the phone but we mostly communicate by text. Lately he's been extremely busy training for the Olympics so at this point we are definitely unsure of when our next date will be. Things will be worse for us when he goes off to Rio. I just know deep down that it'll work out in the end.

It's a late Friday night and i'm still at work busting my ass for extra hours and tips while Jasmine is out somewhere partying with all her AMDA friends. She's lucky her job doesn't involve rude customers and occasionally being burnt by scorching food or ridiculous hours. I guess everyone's hustle is different. As long as the bills are paid and we can feed our expensive taste.

It hit closing time for the restaurant and the annoying sounds of plate scraping and clanking was gone. Only sound left was the sound of all three of the TVs blaring something from TMZ.

I sat at the bar to count all the tip money I racked up on for the day. The heavy wad of cash had to be $200. Gosh, it would be a blessing if it were $500! I passed each bill from my left to my right counting by 5 out loud.

"5, 10, 15, 25. 30, 35-"

"Klay Thompson was spotted a few weeks ago with a new chick at Fort Funston in San Francisco, California!"

My blood ran cold and I immediately looked up at the nearest tv. This can't be happening. I didn't see any kind of paparazzi at the beach. Or any kind of person who would take pictures of us!

"Klay was seen enjoying himself on the beach with his new girl and pooch. Plus he kissed her on the forehead in the rain to end the date!"

"Taylor she looks just like you! Wait...that is you, right?" One of my coworkers asked while turning up the volume. Everyone in the room unglued themselves from the tv and put the focus on me."

"Um..." I bit my lip nervously. Why did whoever this person is have to take the story to TMZ to make me and most importantly Klay look bad?

I can't take anymore of this report!

"Hopefully this isn't the girl who Hannah Stocking caught in bed with him last year. It doesn't seem like the Rams cheerleader who spray painted his porch recently. I guess we can say this is a normal chick on his long list of girls he messes with!"

"Guys I really have to go now but see you Monday and good night," I was almost out the door before I could finish my sentence. I was red with so much embarrassment. Now people are going to see that report and possibly label me as something I'm not!

I rested my head on my car window. At this point I'm so anxious I can't sit down. All I know is, is that I need to call someone for possible answers. Klay or Jasmine?

My best bet is to call Klay but it's a 75% chance he won't answer. I know if I call Jasmine she definitely won't answer when she's partying!

Klay it is.

The phone rang 3 times and then followed a confused hello and then a "happy to hear your voice" hello.

"Hi Klay do you have time to talk right now?"

Then dead silence from him.

"Uh...........sure what's up?

From the sound of his voice I could tell I interrupted him.

"Well sorry for disturbing you but there's been pictures of us-"

"Pictures of us? From when? Where? Where'd you see them?" I could sense the hostility from the other end. This first time I've heard his voice in such tone.

"Yes pictures of us! From Fort Funston and they were on a TMZ report."

"Do you think you know who took them? I didn't see anyone at the beach with cameras? Did you tell anyone about our excursion?"

He was asking me a thousand questions and a thousand mph. Everything felt like an interrogation instead of a conversation.

"I don't know who took them. I saw no one with a camera and I told my cousin. But I'm a 100% sure she didn't tell; she's not the type!"

"That's all they showed?"

"No Klay! That's not what all they showed. I'm sure you're familiar with Hannah Stocking and a Rams cheerleader."

Dead silence again from Klay and then I heard breathing.

"None of that about Hannah is true."

I feel like Klay is hiding something from me. How can this not be true when there was screenshots from Twitter.

"What about the Rams cheerleader then? That's not true either?"

He let out a loud sigh and cleared his throat.

"She's a mutual friend of mine. Plus they happened a long time ago!"

"Klay that happened a few weeks ago! Around the time we hung out..."

At this point I was yelling into the phone. The worst thing to do to a person is waste their time! If he's involved with other people then he should tell me. I don't want to be in anyone's way.

"I mean, the Hannah Stocking thing happened a long time ago. That Rams cheerleader is just a mutual friend that turned out crazy. Nothing happened between her and I. You're my priority. That's why I can't wait for our date Saturday."

Priority? Date? Is he being serious or is he just trying to get me off the phone? This whole time he has sounded uneasy about something.

"A date Saturday?"

"Oh yeah! At this place called Perch in L.A. It's a French restaurant with the best rooftop view! I was going to tell you later tonight but since you called me now I might as well tell you."

His voice perked up more. I could tell through his words he was genuinely happy now.

"You know what Klay? I'm so sorry and I'm glad I get to see you tomorrow!" A smile grew across my face as I opened the car door and sat down.

Have you ever talked on the phone and just tell someone is smoking through their words? I wonder if Klay can feel that from me.

"I'm glad too! Just send me your address and I'll pick you up around 9. Sounds good?"

"Oh that's perfect!"

"Klay comeback already!" A voice that sounded like a female's called from the background of wherever he was at.

"Oh that's the physical therapist calling me back! Gotta ice up! Talk to you later!" He rushed his words and before I could get a bye out he hung up.

I sunk down in my seat and squeezed my phone with both hands. He's serious. He's really serious about us. A relationship that started out as us barely knowing each other's name and having a one night stand to nice Saturday night dates. Even though our relationship seems to be working it's way backwards, everything seems to be working out.

I drove the streets and looked at the lights until I came to a odd realization.

That voice in the background.

It sounds awfully familiar.

Chapter XI! Thank you guys for reading and liking my story. Next week I start school so i will be updating at odd times but I'll always make sure to let you guys know when.

Lots of love and positive energy to you!💗🤘🏽

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