Chapter XIII

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Klay's POV


Why is she here right now when she just told me she wasn't coming? She positioned herself behind Taylor's seat resting one hand on It.

"Korie? Who the hell is this, Klay? And why the fuck is she here?" Taylor furiously stood up pushing her chair into Korrie, almost knocking her down.  She took two steps towards the door before I grabbed her arm.

"Wait! Korrie  is my cousin."

She froze with pure embarrassment.  Slowly, she sat down with a nervous smile and took a few sips of her Chardonnay.

"I'm really sorry for interrupting you guys," Korrie immediately pulled up a seat at the side of the table.  She sat on the side with her legs crossed. She beamed back and forth at Taylor and I.

"You told me you weren't coming," I passed Korrie a glass to drink.

"Well, I'm sorry Klay. My plans changed and ended up in the area! But enough about myself, who's your friend?" She leaned over towards Taylor and inspected her from head to toe taking in every little detail about her.

"This is Taylor....the friend I wanted you to meet when I originally asked you to come."

Taylor gave a slight grin to Korrie along with a fake nervous giggle. I could tell how ashamed she became from almost walking out on me, but to be honest, I thought that shit was funny. My first time seeing her mad and this is how she reacts. I wouldn't mind seeing this kind of anger every once in awhile!

"I'm apologize Taylor for rudely coming up to you like this in the middle of this nice date! I sure wouldn't want Klay doing the same thing to me!"

Korrie leaned into her even more making her feel even more uncomfortable. Which can make anyone uncomfortable! Imagine a person you've never even seen or met in your life basically breathing on your arm.

"At first I invited Kor to show you how I kind of have the same cousin relationship like you and Jasmine's."

Korrie shifted herself more towards Taylor, "Yes! I've heard all about you and your cousin from Klay. I told him you both sound a lot like us!"

"I just wanted to show you something we had in common.

Actually,  I invited her to test her out around my other family before I introduce her to my parents and brothers. I guess I should've started her out with my brothers!

"That's really a nice gesture Klay!  Nice to meet you Korrie and I'm sorry for the way I acted! Thought you were someone else like a-!"

"Side chick?" Korrie threw her head back laughing and took a sip of Chardonnay.

I circled my finger around my glass. I couldn't help but smile at the interaction between my cousin and my potential girlfriend. It was almost beautiful. Just thinking about Taylor talking to my mom at Thanksgiving made me want to ask her out on the spot.

But I can't.

"It's fine! It's all fine! It happens because Klay has A LOT of groupies!"

I almost instantly came out of my daydream. I faked cough to possibly distract Taylor away from what  Korrie just said! I looked over and saw Taylor was laughing! Was she laughing at what Kor said or my horrible fake coughing?

Korrie hit me in the back one good time almost knocking my damn spine out of place. "Thank you Korrie I really needed that, I strained through my teeth cutting my eyes at her.

Taylor was genuinely smiling and laughing! Major relief on my end.


The waiter came back to our table when he was suppose to take our orders almost a hour ago.

"So is everyone ready to order?"

"I've completely lost my appetite," I swirled my fingers around the glass.

"Well I'm starving so can I get th-"

"Taylor are you hungry?" I'm ready to leave before some more shit spews out of Korrie's mouth.

"I'm not really hungry anymore either."

"Okay well, I guess it's time for us especially you Korrie to leave."

Taylor and Kor said their good byes and gave each other a tight hug. I gave Korrie a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. Next time I know not to invite family members to dates.

She then left with those heels clicking loudly again. Taylor and I followed when we heard no more clicks coming from her.

We stood in the parking lot waiting on the valet to bring the car back.

"Damn! You were about to whoop my cousin's ass weren't you?"

Taylor kind of blushed and wrapped one arm around my waist.

"Well yeah! If I beat her ass, I'd have to beat yours too! Consider yourself lucky she was just your cousin!"

I wrapped both my arms around her.

"You're not my girlfriend though."

She took her arm off of me and put it on her hip.

"You weren't saying that, that night we met though. Plus in your mind, you know I'm your girlfriend!"

Okay, she has me there.

This time I wrapped both arms around her waist again. I stared down at her and she stared back up to me. I moved my hands down farther and slightly squeezed her ass.

I can't help it... this is the sexiest I've ever seen her!

We held this moment till the valet pulled up with my car.

Before I could open the passenger door, I get a text from a random number.

You still on your little date? I've been waiting forever to see you again!


I immediately looked up from my phone.


"Can we take it back to that night we became close?"

Couldn't have asked any better myself.

Chapter 13 guys! How are you guys liking the story so far? Be ready for the next chapter because the whole chapter will be dedicated just to Klay!

Honestly thank everyone for the great feedback! I thought this story wouldn't get this far, but it absolutely did! If I had time, I'd post twice a week but everyone knows school can be a hassle. Again, just thank you for all the support!

Lots of love and positive vibes to you! 💗🙌🏾

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