Chapter XV

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Taylor's POV

Welcome to Mississippi!

The place where mosquitos will call you "fam" and then proceed to disrespect you ...

I love weddings, but why have a wedding outside in the sweltering heat when we can be inside enjoying each other under the air conditioner.

Your vows said, "You lit a fire in my soul." Was that heat not hot enough for you two?

"Taylor, why are you being so bitter," you're probably asking. Well, it has actually been DAYS (again) since Klay has texted or called me!

Like I've called and texted him first. No amswer. I even tried to facetime him during the wedding ceremony! No answer. I have never been the one to just entertain a guy when he's not doing the same for me, but sometimes this powerful force called DICK just makes you a tiny bit crazy. Or a lot...

I made my way through the dancefloor, and sat at a table alone to watch from a distance. Have you ever been so miserable that happy people just make you even more miserable? Like y'all are literally cha-cha sliding in Hell! We all know that this marriage isn't going to last long because Tameka married that dude because he looks like a Great Value Drake. Seriously?

"Damn, someone must've pissed in your champagne?"

Jasmine snuck up from behind, and leaned her body against my chair.

"No Jas, no one pissed in it. They took a whole shit in it," I dropped my head on the table causing a loud thud.

"Girl, you literally are hard headed! Is this all about Klay? Because honestly I am over you should be."

I pulled my head and grimaced, "What are you talking about?"

"Taylor, you are literally surrounded by people who care about you, and you choose to worry about someone who won't even send you a simple ass text."

How is she going to act like she knows me and our situation? Even though she's RIGHT, but how is she going to act like she knows me like that?

"It's hot, and my fake eyelashes have literally melted off my face. I have mosquito bites in places a mosquito does NOT need to be. I just want to get this day over with to get back to Cali.

I felt my phone vibrate and quickly picked it up.

AT&T Free Msg: 75% of your 16131 MB data has been used.

Damn. Well, at least I know that someone wants to text me.

"Nah Taylor, it's not even that hot. You're just irritated. I'm kind of glad those eyelashes melted because they were kind of ugly anyway."

Way to bring my spirits up.

"Plus, you would've had more data if you weren't trying to facetime Klay every 2 minutes during the ceremony. That's what unlimited is for!

"That's not even who- "

"Yeah, sweetie it was."

Why does she have to be right?

"But all I am saying is, you should forget about Klay and enjoy the reception. I mean they're about to play the electric slide, and I really need someone to stand by because I am not about to stand by Aunt Shirley and that foul smell coming from those pits."

I couldn't help but to smile at Jasmine. Even though I hate to admit it, she is almost always right. But you won't catch me telling her that!

I moved to the dancefloor and hopped in line between Jasmine and Aunt Shirley. Yeah, the stench was making my eyes burn, but it was worth it. We all glided together in synch from left to right and front to back. It was almost like a Tyler Perry movie. In that moment, only thing mattered to me was the good atmosphere. There was no Klay. It was not about me. Just family.

When the song ended, I headed over to the refreshments table for water. Only alcohol and ice.

"Ice is made of water so if I suck on this ice, it'll be like a water popsicle. Logic."

I filled a cup up to the brink with ice, quickly turned around, and BAM!

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry! Good thing it was ice and not-"

I looked up quickly then examined the person carefully. I know this guy, but from where?

"You're familiar"

"Do you watch basketball," the guy patted the wet spots on his jacket with his hands."


"Well, religiously, you should know a thing or two about the Phoenix Suns."

"You're Devin Booker?"

"And you're correct!"

What is up with me running into all these NBA players lately? Next time can it be a NFL player at least?

_ _ _

This chapter sucks, but it's a new little start for me.

I know you guys are sick and tired of the constant apologies and promises for more frequent postings. My writer's block has been absolutely horrible. To be real, it's this thing called depression. Not only has it given me writer's block but a whole life block. My mind couldn't even formulate a chapter, so I had to get it from my heart as cliché as it sounds! I love to write, and my whole purpose of this was to develop myself as a writer, but I am going in the wrong direction. Even though I went two steps back, this is my step forward. I know this is going to be the thousandth sorry, but I truly am. I read your emails, and I automatically become sad because of this hold on me. I really am hoping and praying I get through this slump and can develop this story better because I definitely have an idea for the direction I want to turn. Thank you guys, for sticking around and much love to you! 💗

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