Chapter Two

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"Hey, dude. Want to crash a party?" Brett asked Matt, sitting in front of his X-Box.

Matt continued playing. "What kind of party?"

"I dunno. Some kid's having a big party. I thought it would be fun to crash."

"Is there alcohol?" 

Brett laughed. "I'm assuming. Why else would teenagers go to a party? For tea?" 

Matt laughed. "You have a point there, I guess. Think there'll be hot chicks?"

"Dude, it's a public high school party. There's probably hot girls, drunk girls, and easy girls."

"Sounds like a great idea, in that case." 

Brett laughed. "I knew you'd like the ide- Ha! Take that!"

"Dude, you just shot me!"

Brett smiled. "I know."

"I'm going to get you back for that!"

"Good luck with that."

"When is this party, anyways?"

"Tonight. Duh. It's Friday."

"Cool, what tim- Ha! Told you I'd get you!"

"Um, I think it's at six." Brett guessed.

"Shit, it's five thirty now."

"We can get ready after this round, okay?" Brett said quickly, focusing on the screen.

"Oka- Ha! Victory is mine!"

- - -

Mackenzie laughed at Evelyn, who was wearing a ridiculously tight dress. "You look like a little cheap in that." She said, her thick southern accent echoing in Evelyn's room.

"Well, what am I supposed to wear? I mean, I don't like the same style you do, Mackenzie."

Mackenzie looked down. What was wrong with her blue skinny jeans and cowgirl boots? "At least my outfit don't scream 'Fifty cents over here!'"

Evelyn glared at her before saying, "Fine. I'll change."

Mackenzie smiled victoriously. "Can I borrow your eyeliner?"

Evelyn nodded, trying to wiggle out of the blue dress.  "Should I wear a dress? Or maybe a skirt? What do you think?"

Mackenzie shrugged. "You could just wear jeans, ya' know. It's not a fancy party."

"Mackenzie, when you lived in Tennessee, did everyone talk and act like you?"

"Well, talkin' maybe. But not actin'. Do y'all here act just like each other? I don't think so."

"Yeah, well, I guess you have a point there . . . Can you pull on this dress for me? It's not coming off."

Mackenzie grabbed the end of the dress, pulling it off of Evelyn. "Aren't you glad you didn't have a one-night-stand in this?"

Evelyn gave her a dirty look. "Whatever. But, anyways. Should I wear a jean skirt? That would be like 'I don't care but I sort of do'. Ooh, or I could wear jeans showing like 'I don't care about how I look', or a cute dress like, 'I totally care, but I'd never admit it'?"

Mackenzie rolled her eyes. "Wear whatever you want, Evelyn. I told you, I really don't care how I look. As long as I look decent."

This time, Evelyn rolled her eyes. "How do you expect John to notice you if you don't dress to impress?"

Mackenzie laughed at this. "The way I really am. I want him to like me for me, not the slut I dress like- no offence."

"None taken. But, seriously. You never dress up."

Mackenzie finished putting on her eyeliner in Evelyn's makeup mirror. "I don't think I need to, honestly. I mean, a little makeup don't hurt, but I don't think I need no fancy dresses. It's just not me."

Evelyn's phone beeped. Evelyn rolled her eyes. "It's Jamie. Mind if him and Chelsea car pool with us?"

Mackenzie smiled. "Sure. Just give me a minute to finish my mascara."

"Okay . . . He says he'll be here in ten." Evelyn paused. "Shit! I have to do my makeup!" She rushed up and began putting on lip-gloss. Mackenzie laughed. This was going to be a long night.

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