Chapter Thirteen

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Short chappie, but still a chappie, nonetheless. ENJOY!


It was weird for Matt when Mackenzie knocked, instead of coming in on her own. And Matt immediately knew something was wrong when he saw her face, red and blotchy. This must have meant she had been crying before she came over. And her serious, "We need to talk." made Matt's stomach do flip-flops. Was this her way of breaking it off with him? Whatever she was doing, it was making him extremely nervous.

"W-what about?" Matt asked trying to sound like it wouldn't faze him at all. If you didn't notice, it was a failure. 

Mackenzie stepped into his apartment and closed the door. A tear ran down her cheek as she slowly and cautiously said, "I'm pregnant." 

Matt's face turned completely pale. "What?"

Another tear ran down Mackenzie's face, followed by more. "Don't make me repeat it." Her words were so low; they were barely a whisper. 

Matt shook his head in complete denial. "N-no. That's impossible. We we're protected every time!"

Mackenzie looked at him sadly. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened."

Matt was still shocked, though. He couldn't even think straight. "How is that even possible?! Tell me this is a sick joke, Mackenzie!"

She shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "I wish I could, Matt."

"You're going to take care of that, right?" 

Mackenzie held her stomach. "Take care of it?! I'm not going to take care of my baby until it's born. But I ain’t going to take care of it the way you were thinkin'!"

"So what are you going to do with it?! You kidding yourself if you think you could take care of a baby! You can barely take care of yourself. Get real, Mackenzie. Where would you even get the money for that?!"

More tears ran down Mackenzie's cheek. "I thought we could take care of him-" She rubbed her stomach. "Together."

 "We wouldn't last as a couple for more than a day, Mackenzie. What were you thinking?!"

"But the last couple days-"

 "The last couple days, what?! We spent time together! That's all."

Mackenzie couldn't hold back, and tears ran down her face quickly and uncontrollably. "I just thought-"

"Thought what?! That I'd be up for a family?! Well you were wrong!"

"You know what? Fine." Mackenzie turned to the door. "I'll raise this baby by myself!" She yelled, before slamming the door. 

Matt punched the wall, getting some of his anger out. What was he going to do?!

*Three Months Later*


Matt laughed at Mae, his girlfriend, who had been playing with Taylor. "She's so cute!" She said in her southern-bell accent. Sure, it was just a coincidence that she was a brunette with a southern accent who resembled Mackenzie a little bit. 

"Yeah, she's lucky she's cute, because she's annoying as hell."

"Matt!" Mae giggled. "How could you say that about an adorable little dog?!"

He laughed, and Taylor huffed, obviously not pleased with him having a girlfriend. He could've sworn that she glared at him every time he kissed Mae. She was surely some dog. 

Mae looked at the clock. "Shit, I have to go." She stood up and kissed Matt passionately. "I'll see you later, okay?" 

Matt smiled. "Okay. See you."

Mae walked off and Matt watched her walk off, before looking at Taylor. Taylor was giving him that, 'She is so not Mackenzie' look.

"Taylor, stop it." Matt said. Taylor continued looking at him. "Stop. Taylor, I'm sorry. Taylor, stop looking at me like that. Taylor! Listen you little bitch-"

Mae walked back in. "Forgot my cell, boo." She said, grabbing her cell phone.

"It's fine, babe. See you tonight?"

Taylor growled as Mae responded, "Definitely." and he winked at her.

- - - 

Mackenzie walked into Jamie's house. Jamie had been so sweet to her after Matt dumped her on her ass, but she still couldn't feel anything. Her heart ached for Matt's touch. Just one more time. 

Mackenzie shook off the feeling, mentally. Jamie walked down the stairs and kissed Mackenzie as a greeting. She faked a smile and said a weak, "Hey."

"How are you feeling?" He asked her, smiling. She knew exactly what he was talking about, and looked down at her stomach. "Little Jesse is fine."

He smiled widely. "That's good. You want to go out for lunch? When's the last time you went out for food, anyways? It seems like you eat at home all the time."

Mackenzie thought back. It was with Matt. The day it rained. It's not like she could say, "When I went out with that guy that I'm still thinking about constantly. You know, the one that dumped me when he found out I was pregnant so I came to you, even though I don't feel about you that way." So, she answered him, "God, I don't even remember. C'mon, let's go."

He opened the door for her before walking to his side. "Mackenzie?"

Mackenzie looked at him, "Yeah?"

"You know you're beautiful, right?"

Mackenzie blushed. She wished Matt could've told her that. She wished Matt cared the way Jamie did, even though she loved their hectic relationship. It was insane for her to think that she almost missed the fighting. Almost. "Thanks, Jamie." She said, and was silent the rest of the drive. 

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