Chapter Four

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Mackenzie sighed and plopped her tray down on the lunch table the next day. It was her usual seating. Next to Jamie, with Evelyn on the other side. Chelsea next to Evelyn. Just no Mason across from them. They were alone; just the four of them. Oh, joy. . . She thought. It's still quiet-- after a month. . .

Matt slammed the door to his car. He didn't see the use in school, honestly. Unfortunately, his mother was such a nag. He walked in late, because he 'accidentally' slept in. Ha. Like he'd ever wake up early enough to come in on time. 

"-So yeah, this girl totally started rumors that Justin Bieber got her pregnant. I guess he has to. . ."

Evelyn went on about some Mariah Yeater girl. Mackenzie really couldn't care less. She'd barely got sleep last night thinking about Matt. How could she lose her virginity like that? Her mama would be so disappointed if she ever found out. Ugh, know she remembers why she hates alcohol so much.

- - -

Matt walked into the guidance office. It took the women at least ten minutes to finally get to him. “What’s your name?” She said, rather bored sounding.

Well, she sounded like she enjoyed her job.

“Matthew Wright.” He informed her. “I’m new.”

She looked back at her computer. “Okay. I’ll find someone to show you around.” She turned around and called to someone in a different office. Then, she picked up the phone. “Hello? Yes. It’s Marie. Could you please send Mackenzie Green to the office? Thank you. Goodbye.” Matt heard her say.

The cafeteria phone flashed bright red and one of the monitors rushed to pick it up. She nodded her head. "Yeah, okay. Sure." She hung up the phone and held her hand up.

The cafeteria went silent- this was one of the few times it did. "I need a Mackenzie Green to go down to the office!" The monitor announced.

Everyone at Mackenzie's table turned their heads to look at her in shocked. Their faces were almost similar to hers... But, her shock just couldn't be beaten.

She sighed at stood up from the table. She immediately rushed out of the cafeteria and into the long halls.

What did I do now?!

Mackenzie came bursting into the room, looking confused. “Mackenzie, dear.” The women said, a smile finally approaching on her face. “Could you do me a huge favor?”

Mackenzie nodded her head slowly, not sure what was going on. Since when does the school want her help? And with what? Then, she turned her head to the side after she saw the slightest movement. Whoa, whoa, wait-- Matt?! Matt was here? How? When? Why? This was her only place to get away from him and her feelings! Anger rushed through her and she could just feel her blood begin to boil. "It doesn’t have to do with him, does it?" She asked coldly.

The women looked at her, confused. “Why yes, dear. It does. Mathew is a new student here, and I need someone to show him to class. That wouldn’t be a problem, would it?”

Mackenzie's hands clenched into fists, but she kept her cool. "I guess not." She spoke through her teeth. "Let's go, Mathew.

The women beamed. “Thank you, Mackenzie! I just knew you’d be the right person to call! Oh, and Mathew, there’s no need for me to print you out a schedule. You will be going to the same classes as Mackenzie.”

Oh, joy. . . They both thought. 

As soon as they were out of the office, Mackenzie checked to see if the hallways were clear. They were. She looked Matt in the eye. "What the hell are you doing here?!" 

Matt looked at her as if she were stupid. “Same thing you’re doing here . . . Getting an education . . .”

"But, you're Matt! Matt's don't need an education! You get to stay at home all day and- and. . . ." She sighed. "Why didn't you just stay in your little apartment?" She looked down at her feet as they walked. She hated getting hyped up when Matt was around her. She swore she looked like an idiot when she did.

Matt laughed to himself. “So, where are we going now?” He asked her, ignoring her last comment.

The bell rang and she felt like she could be on the verge of tears. "To Science I guess." She sped her walk up, trying to get away from him.

Matt looked at Mackenzie. She was so cute when she was annoyed. “Mackenzie! Wait up! I don’t know where Science is!”

"No, you jerk!" She called back. "Find someone else to help you! I have to see you enough already!"

He picked up his pace and caught up with her immediately. "I don't know why you hate me so much," Matt said, pretending he didn't remember. "But I'm completely lost. Could you please just help me find my classes? I'm not even sure what they are yet." For once, Matt wasn’t trying (although he was succeeding) to be an ass.

Mackenzie turned around and stopped walking. "Don't worry. . . Just follow me around like a little puppy. You have all of them with me."

"Aren't you glad? I mean, who else is lucky enough to have all of their classes with me? I would be jealous if I wasn't me, I'm sure of that."

She scoffed and walked off again, shaking her head. "I can't believe you!"

He caught up with her again. “Common, Mackenzie. Just admit it. I won’t tell anyone.”

"We're late for class." She snapped. She began jogging her way there. Go away, go away, go away. 

Matt jogged after her, catching up with her right at the door. “Aw, Kenzie. You’re blushing.” He added before walking into the room.

Mackenzie covered her cheeks as she watched Matt take a seat. Ha-ha. She giggled inside of her head. That's where John usually sits. She smirked and Matt and took her seat all the way across the room as the kids piled in. And then. . . John. "Hey, loser! Get outta' my seat!"

Matt looked up at him for a brief second. “Nah.”

Mackenzie peaked over to the side as everyone in the class, 'Ooh-ed.'

"Dude!" John chuckled. "Get outta' the chair." His face went serious. "I'll break ya' face."

Matt laughed. That was the lamest threat he’d heard. Ever. “Personally, I doubt that.”

John laughed lightly, looking at the people around the room. "You get this guy?" His face went dead and he grabbed Matt's shirt. "You doubt it, huh, punk? I doubt your fucking doubt. Get out of the chair. I will hurt you." John pulled back his elbow, ready to throw a punch.

Mackenzie jumped up. "No, John! Don't!"

Matt frowned. Why didn’t Mackenzie just stay out of this? Obviously, Matt knew how to fight. Couldn’t she just mind her own business? He ignored her “Dude, are you serious?” Matt laughed. “First of all, I’m positive you got this off of a chick flick. Second of all, you’re an idiot. You can’t break someone’s face.”

John groaned and flew his arm towards Matt's stomach. Mackenzie shrieked and closed her eyes. Luckily, Matt caught his fist and smirked. John's eyes went wide. "You, mother-" 

"Okay, class! In your seats!" Mr. Sampson announced.

Before John walked away, Matt had the chance to whisper. “Let’s settle this after class.”

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