Chapter Ten

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Matt grabbed his phone. It'd almost been a week since he'd seen Mackenzie, and more since he's satisfied his . . . needs. 

He grabbed his phone and texted Mackenzie.

Matt: Horny. Come over.

Mackenzie ran 'round the house, chasing Ryan around for one of her cowgirl boots. Ryan, himself was wearing one of his little boots, but he wanted to try on hers.

"Ryan! Gimme back my boot, mister! I need that!" Mackenzie squealed. She wanted to drive to Evelyn's. She was already dressed and ready, she just need that boot. Her phone inside her skinny jeans pocket, distracting both of the kids.

Ryan ran back to Mackenzie as she read the text message. Mackenzie scoffed once she read the message from Matt. "Ryan, give Kenzie her boot, please." Ryan sighed and lifted her boot with both hands. Mackenzie took it and slid it on before texting back.

Mackenzie: Y'all boys up here always are . . . You disgust me.

Matt laughed at the fact the she still had an accent, even when she was texting. He thought for a second, before responding,

Matt: Fine. Want to come hang out?

Mackenzie rolled her eyes.

Mackenzie: How's Tay?

Matt: Missing you. You should come over. 

Matt smiled, sheepishly, even though Mackenzie couldn't see him. 

Matt: Uh . . . Both?

Mackenzie scoffed.

Mackenzie: I'll come over if we won't be doin' anything...

Matt: B-b-but. That's no fair!

Mackenzie: I'll be right over! ;)

Mackenzie laughed and walked out the door. He's not getting anything . . .

* * *

Mackenzie slipped her key out of Matt's door once she walked in and closed the door behind her. "I'm here, Matt, Taylor!" Taylor's barks surrounded her as she felt weight on her boots. She looked down and laughed when she saw Taylor playing with her feet. Mackenzie picked her up. She rubbed her fur all over, giggling as she walked into Matt's room.

Matt smiled as her heard Mackenzie's cute accent. Ew- he had to stop thinking about her like that. It makes him sound like he . . . No. That was impossible. Matt didn't love. The word burned his tongue. Who knows what the feeling would do to him.

Mackenzie smiled sweetly when Matt walked in. Taylor pounced on her chest, licking her face. Mackenzie giggled and fell back on the bed. "Well, hello, Taylor!" She smiled, moving her face every time Taylor licked her.

Matt laughed at this sight. And, for the slightest moment, he didn't want to kill that dog. Because she'd looked adorable in Mackenzie's arms. Because she made Mackenzie look more adorable, if that was even possible. "Man, what do you do to make her like you? She hates me." 

 "I pay attention to her." Mackenzie sat up, letting Taylor run to her water bowl in the kitchen. "You flirt with girl on the phone when I'm not around. And, when I am, I'm playing with her." Mackenzie smirked. "Anyways, what's up? Why am I here? We both know it's not for anything sexual, right?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Mackenzie . . ." Matt pleaded with his eyes more than his voice.

"Matty . . ." Mackenzie mimicked.

"It's been a week! I'm going insane! Plus, you owe me for taking care of your dog."

 "I do not owe ya' for taking care of Taylor!"

 "You do so! She pissed on my floor! And then, she bit me! Just bit me for no reason!"

Mackenzie snickered. "If only ya' could high-five a dog . . ."

Matt rolled his eyes. "Seriously, Mackenzie. I need you right now." He added extra drama to his voice. "Don't leave me in my time of need!"

Mackenzie rolled her eyes. "I ain't that easy, Matt. Especially now. I'm not in the mood for it . . . "

Matt walked over to her and kissed her roughly. The kiss contained a whole lot of hunger. "Please." 

 "Matty," Mackenzie breathed, pulling him down, but wanting to push him up and off. "I-I-" She was cut off by her own moan once Matt's kisses met her neck.

***Use Your Imagination***

Matt let out a breath, smiling. "Wow."

"I can't believe I did that!" Mackenzie slapped Matt and rolled out of bed.

Matt smirked. "You know you loved it."

"I feel dirty, I hate you." She searched the floor for her clothes.

"You weren't saying that five minutes ago." 

Mackenzie groaned and picked up one of the pillows that had 'accidentally' fallen on the floor. She threw it at him angrily and went back to searching.

Matt laughed at her. "Mackenzie, come back to bed." 

"No. I have to find my clothes."

"What's the rush?" Matt raised his eyebrows at her. 

"I told you I didn't want to do that. I'm not coming back."

Matt laughed at her, putting on his boxers. "You're cute when you're mad, you know that?"

"Shut up." Mackenzie spat. She found every piece of clothing in a different spot in Matt's apartment. She slipped on all of her clothes, still glaring at Matt. Oh, how she hated him.

Matt picked up his pants, which made a clinking sound, sort of like lose change. He reached in the box and pulled out a little box, before remembering what it was. "Oh yeah, I thought about you yesterday."

"What is it?" Mackenzie asked in confusion. She heard a bit of whimpering. Her eyes went wide and she walked to one of Matt's closets. She opened the door and there lay Taylor, whimpering like a little boy who dropped his ice cream. Mackenzie sighed and pouted down a her. She picked Taylor up and hugged her tightly. "My poor Taylor . . ."

He laughed. "I went to some jewelry store to buy my brother something obnoxious for his birthday, and I saw something that reminded me of you." He blushed a little. "So, I bought it for you." He pulled out a gold necklace with a little, white cowboy boot charm on it. 

 Mackenzie blushed and held out her free hand for it. Matt dropped it in her palm, looking away quickly. "Thanks." She set Taylor down and un-did the clasp. She brought the chain around her neck and struggled to re clasp it, but finally did. "That was really nice of you."

Matt just stood there, quiet. This could be his time to finally confess that he- lo- lo- you know. Shit, he'd only known how to fake the emotion. With Mackenzie, it was so much more. He opened his mouth to say it, but what came out was a simple, casual, "No problem." 

Mackenzie nodded. Everything had gotten awkward after Mackenzie got out of bed. She knew she shouldn't have done that. She shouldn't have given in. It was like her to say, 'I ain't that easy', even though she was lying. She sighed deeply. "I should get going . . . "

Matt's heart sunk. "O-okay . . . I'll-uh-see you later then."

Mackenzie picked up her keys and nodded. "At school." Just as she was about to walk out, she looked back. "Don't forget to feed Taylor tonight."

Mackenzie's last words made Matt feel heartbroken for a moment, before he shook it off. The last thing he had a chance to say before she slammed the door was, "I won't."

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