Chapter Seventeen

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Mackenzie raised from bed about ten o'clock the next morning. She had to get up. Today was the big day . . . More like the: "pack-clothes-in-suit-cases-and-get-them-out-of-Jamie's-house-day". But, there was one thing she had to do before she did anything that involved packing or moving.


"Hello?" Autumn's, (Mackenzie's mom's) voice rang tiredly through the phone.

"Hey, mom? It's Mackenzie. I need to talk to ya'."

Autumn sighed. "What, darling?"

Mackenzie took a deep breath and sat at the mini table Matt (probably Mae) had set at the beginning of the apartment. "I'm going to make this short and simple. Jamie and I are through and I need to know if I am welcome back into the house."  

"Not at all."

Mackenzie's heart dropped down to her stomach and she was confused. 

"W-why? Dad's gone, right?"

Autumn sighed. "You're father was not the problem when it came to that situation. It was the fact that you are a disgrace to this family. What made ya' think it was such a great idea to go around, making fake love to men. Especially more than one, I suppose. Mackenzie Anne Green, I did not raise ya' like that nor did your father." 

Mackenzie sighed. "It wasn't fake, mama. It wasn't more than one man, either! It was one guy that I love. Him and I are together now, I promise." 

Autumn let out a breath. "Are ya' keeping the child?" 

"Of course!" Mackenzie shrieked. "Don't be so absurd!"

"I'm sorry, Mackenzie. I can't have you around your brother like that."

Mackenzie shook her head in shame. "I understand." Then, she hung up. She set her phone on the table, letting a few tears slip and then lifted herself up from the chair. 

Surely Matt didn't want Mackenzie to live with him. It didn't make sense. Even Mackenzie realized how bad she had treated him. Did he not? What was going through his head? 

She walked over to the bed and laid herself next to Matt. She combed through his dark hair with her fingers as she frowned. She kissed his cheek lightly before scrunching her long hair in a ball with her hand and letting it go.

Mackenzie put her head on Matt's chest and threw an arm over his stomach as she forced herself to relax. "Get ready for a long day, Matty." Mackenzie whispered.

- - -

Matt sighed and rolled over in his sleep. What was Mackenzie talking about seriously this early in the morning? Women. 

He felt her kiss his cheek, and then could hear her whisper something real low. He was so tired, he only heard his name. He opened his eyes and looked at Mackenzie. "Who were you talking to?" He asked curiously, but his voice was only a whisper. 

Mackenzie was dozing off when Matt had whispered to her, so she forced her eyes open and looked at the clock. It was thirty minutes after she had called her mom. She looked at Matt and frowned, lifting herself up from the bed. She walked to the other side of the room and picked yesterday's clothes up off of a chair. "Get ready. We're going to head to Jamie's soon." 

Then, she walked into the bathroom and changed as quickly as she could. 

Matt sighed, standing up out of bed, and walking over to his drawer. He got dressed and brushed his hair before picking up his phone and throwing it into his pocket. He grabbed his keys off the table and sat in a chair next to it. Going with Mackenzie to her old boyfriend's to get her stuff . . . How fun? He thought, waiting for Mackenzie to finally come out of the bathroom.

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