Chapter Eight

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"Mackenzie . . . Hey." Matt said nervously. Hopefully, Mackenzie hadn't seen Ashley walking out. Matt's heart was beating like crazy.  If she had, she'd kill him. She never warned him she was coming over today . . . If she had, he would've been more careful sneaking Ashley out.

"Hey," Mackenzie said coldly. "What's going on?"

Matt shuffled on his feet, nervously. "Nothing . . . Why?" Matt moved out of the way so Mackenzie could come in. It had been raining out, so she was probably freezing.

 "I've just heard girls talk about you in ways in school and ya' know . . . There was another car in the driveway . . ." Mackenzie shrugged and moved closer to Matt.

"There was a car in the driveway? Wow. I wonder who it was." Matt pathetically tried to cover it up. No, he didn't sleep with Ashley. But she practically threw herself at him. He would tell Mackenzie that. That she like, shoved her tongue down his throat, and he told her to go home. He'd tell her how Ashley huffed and stomped out of his apartment, or how freaked out his was, since she knew where he lived. But she wouldn't believe him. So, what was the point?

Mackenzie nodded. "Yeah . . . A little red head was driving it . . .. Weird, huh?" She placed a hand on his chest and slid down his body. "Have idea who it is?"

Matt's heartbeat accelerated like a little boy who got caught taking an extra cookie out of the cookie jar. He shook his head. "A red head, huh? That's weird. Maybe she was visiting one of the neighbors . . ."

Mackenzie shook her head and kissed his neck lightly. "Possibly," She mumbled against his skin. "But, she was parked up close . . ." She ran her fingers down his leg. "Where I usually do."

Matt laughed nervously. "That's so weird. I wonder who she was . . ." 

Mackenzie sighed and slapped his chest. "I know she was here, Matt. I'm not an idiot!"

"Mackenzie, it's not what you think." Matt tried explaining.

"Yeah, right." Mackenzie snorted. "'It was just a kiss! I promise.'" She mimicked a possible 'Matt explanation.' "A kiss, my ass. But, why should I care? I'm not your girlfriend . . ." Mackenzie went on and on about how she shouldn't care, but she did at the same time. At one point, she was about to say she got a little jealous at times . . . But, she stopped herself before it slipped.

"No, Mackenzie. It was barely even a kiss. If you just let me explain-"

 "Ya' don't have to, Matt!" Mackenzie almost shouted. "I get it, okay? You couldn't care less about me!"

"No! Mackenzie that's not-"

"Just, shut the fuck up!" Mackenzie gasped at her choice of words. "I've heard this explaination before! I know all about her and what she did!"

"Would you let me finish a god damn sentence?!" Matt yelled, anger catching up to him.  

"No! I've heard everything!"

"If you'd let me explain, I'd tell you that nothing happened between me and Ashley!" Shit, he'd said her name. He didn't mean to say her name.

Mackenzie gasped. "I told ya'! I told ya', ya' knew her! Ya'll Northern boys are pigs!" Mackenzie made her way to the door.

"Mackenzie, wait! I told you! Nothing happened!" He grabbed her wrist, turning her back around.

 "It's fine, Matt! I understand! Go after the northern girl!" She forced herself out of his grip and jogged to the door.

"Mackenzie, I don't even know Ashley! I just know her name because she told me it when she barged into my apartment! I know it sounds like a stupid excuse, but it's not! I'm not even attracted to redheads!"

"But, your not attracted me either." Mackenzie's eyes narrowed.

"That's a lie! I'm so attracted to you! Your accent, your hair, your eyes. Everything about you!" Matt let slip, before he closed his mouth, mortified. Had he really just said that?

Mackenzie blushed but quickly covered it up. "Yeah," She snorted. "Right. When did ya' think a' that? When you had to start 'explaining'?"

Matt was so glad Mackenzie was so stubborn, because for a second, he thought maybe she'd believe him. Then, she might know that he . . . "But I wasn't making the explanation up, I swear!"

 Mackenzie sighed. "Yeah, I'll see ya' around. Maybe at school, I might just run into you in the girls locker rooms fucking some other chick named Sapphire . . ." She shrugged, smirking as she walked out.

Matt followed her out. "Mackenzie, c'mon! You can't even be mad at me about this! It's not like you’re my girlfriend or anything!"

"Exactly! That's why I'm walking away! I'm not supposed to care! I'm not fighting with y'all upstate boys anymore!"

"Nothing happened! Nothing could happen because I couldn't get you off my mind, okay?! There, I said it. I couldn't stop thinking you!"

Mackenzie froze. "You're lying."

Matt sighed, lowering his voice. "Nope, I'm not. How corny am I, huh?"

Mackenzie shook her head. "You're lying. You're lying because you feel kinda' bad." She reached for her door handle. "Y-You're fibbing."

"Not at all. Mackenzie, I haven't had sex with anyone but you for the last month because every time I thought about it, I saw your face.  Do you know how insane that makes me?!"

Mackenzie nodded. "I've heard everything, Matt. I seriously have." With that, she opened her car door and hopped in.

"Mackenzie!" Matt stood there, feeling lost. Man, feelings suck. He just told Mackenzie everything, and she blew him off. 

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