Chapter 15- Surprise!

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Through the pocket of his shirt Nellie could make out the girl in front of him. She was gorgeous, tall even for a normal giant woman. When Nellie looked down she could see her high heels added to her height. Her hair was jet black and cut short around her shoulders. And her eyes were an intense blue color, big and round like a cat. Add eyeliner, mascara, eye shadow, and a touch of gloss and this girl was ready for the runway.

“Hey Holland,” the girl took a step closer and looked up into Colton’s eyes fluttering her lashes at him. “I haven’t seen you all summer, how have you been?”

“Um . . . I’ve been alright, a little busy. What about you?”

Her smile seemed to grow as she spoke, as if that was even remotely possible. “You know just here and there I’ve been modeling all summer.” That explained a lot. “I missed you.”

Then she did something Nellie never expected. She closed the distance between them, wrapped her arms around Colton’s body, and kissed him.

Her chest was pressed up to his, squishing Nellie in the pocket. If it weren’t for her padded bra she probably wouldn’t have lived. She didn’t even have time to whimper though because Colton was backing up pulling way and out of the girl’s arms. “Genevieve, we broke up 2 months ago. We’re done.”

She finally stopped trying to hug him and stepped back. Her smile disappeared and with her face transformed into a demon she no longer looked pretty. “You can’t break up with me. NO ONE breaks up with ME!” she was starting to shout and passerby’s were starting to stare.

“Look Gen I’ve got to go my ride is waiting for me.”

“You are going to learn very quickly not to mess with me. Holland no one gets away from me. Not even you.”

Colton didn’t respond he just walked past her towards the exit. He turned back once to make sure she wasn’t following him and then lowered his head to talk to Nellie, “Are you okay? Did she hurt you?”


He stopped dead in his tracks and reached in with his non-injured hand to fish her out of his pocket. He brought her up close to his face so he could get a better look at her. She looked fine.

Nellie wasn’t physically hurt. She was emotionally hurt. How could she compete with, with THAT girl? She was perfect . . . and not human.

“You look okay.”

“Yeah I’m fine.” She smiled at him before turning her head to look out at the parking lot. “I think I see your mom in the mobile.”

He looked up and sure enough it was her. She was waving from inside and smiling. “You ready for this?” Colton asked a bit of amusement in his voice.

“As ready as I’ll ever be. You mom is just so over the top happy sometimes.”

They were right outside the door now. He looked down and said, “I know but just play along with it after we get home we can show her all the stuff and then I’ll take it to your house.”

“okay.” And then he opened up the passenger side door and slide inside.

5 minutes later

“- and I mean seriously this lady was the best. She helped me find all sorts of cute skirts in my size and even advised me on how to dress for my body type.”

Delilah had been going on and on none stop since they’d sat in the car.

Colton took this time to start eating, sharing his food with Nellie. The two teens ate there Japanese food while the woman behind the wheel talked about her shopping experience.

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