Chapter 16

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I was finally done all Final Exams. I feel so free,I can do what I want to with out haven't to worry about studying or homework. I don't have any text books left in school,everything is passed in! It's amazing.
   I got home at 11:00 am from school cause I was done exams and was aloud to leave. Thankfully no one was home. I secretly play guitar and sing. I didn't want anyone to know cause I'm to shy.
   I got up to my room,taking my guitar out of its case. Yes my family knew I had a guitar,but they never knew I played. I only play and sing when I'm alone.
   I got ready and started to sing and play 'little things' by one direction. It's one of my favourite songs by them. When I was finished I heard clapping. Uncle mark,aunt Lexi,George,and izzy stood at my door. I guess I didn't hear the door open or close.
  "Oh my gosh you have such a beautiful talent!" Izzy said. Uncle mark stood there shocked. Everyone else said how good I was and I hugged them and said thank you. "Why didn't you tell us you played? Aunt Lexi asked. "Because I'm too shy" I said.
    It was after supper and everyone was home. Callie and Arizona came over,including uncle Owen and aunt Christiana.
   I told them I had a surprise. Izzy,George,Uncle Mark,and aunt Lexi knew what I was talking about. Everyone else had shocked looks on their faces. I went up stairs to my room and got my guitar. When I got in the living room everyone was still shocked. I sat down and started to play and sing little things again. When I was done my mom had tears in her eyes,so did Callie. "That was beautiful sweetie! Come here!" My mom motioned me to come here and I hugged her. "Why didn't you tell us you played?" Owen asked. "I was to shy" I replied. I was glade they know now.
   Brandon and my friends are coming over tomorrow,I'll show them then.
   And if your wondering about skating,I didn't get to take part in it for the rest of the season because of my surgery,and sadly it's over for the year :( but I will be able to next year. Thankfully.
   We all talked,everyone was sleeping over tonight which was gonna be fun. We never did this in a long time. We ordered pizzas and watched movies. I sat with uncle mark,and Owen. It was a fun night.

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