Chapter 22

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"...Alex" my dad said. "Hi" I said,we both shook hands. Alex looked pretty happy,my parents looked nervous,and me, I looked confused. Because I had no clue what was going on.
"So what are we cousins? Are you my uncle or something?" I asked in confusion. Alex looked at my parents,who still looked very nervous. "No,um Alex do you wanna tell her?" My mother asked. I was so confused. Tell me what? I was traced out of my thoughts when Alex cleared his throat. "No ah I'm your older brother" my mouth dropped. I had an older brother? Sense when. "Wait,i have a brother? Sense when? Why didn't you guys tell me?" I asked. "Yes you have a brother,we didn't tell you because he didn't live with us,he and your grandparents were very close and he was always over there sense we had work so he decided to move there." My mother answered. I wanna get to know him better. Find his likes,dislikes and stuff. But I'm to scared to ask I mean come on I just met the guy. "Wanna take a walk?" He asked. I looked up. "Sure." My parents looked more relaxed now.
"so how old are you?" I asked. "15" he replied.okay,2 years older than me. "How old are you?" He asked. "Just turned 13 a few weeks ago." I replied. "Whos your favourite singer or band" he asked. "One direction" "oh come on my little sis is a directioner?" He laughed and so did I. I shoved him playfully. "Why don't we play 21 questions?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Okay I will ask first." He said.
"Favourite colour"-"pink"
Favourite food- pizza
Favourite animal-rabbit/bunny
Favourite show- criminal minds
Favourite member of 1D- Harry!
Play any instruments?- guitar and vocals.
"Hey you gotta show me some time" he said. I laughed. "Sure,when I know u better I'm pretty shy,actually just showed the family last week." He nodded. "Oh last question,any boyfriends?" He asked. Proper big brother. "Yes,I'll call him tomorrow and u can meet him." Okay". I asked him questions then we started to walk home. I was tired we took a long walk. He must have noticed because he asked,"wanna piggy back?" "Sure,I love piggy backs,but just a warning I'm heavy uncle mark can't even- woah!" I didn't even finish my sentence and I was on his back. Carrying me like I was nothing. I hope We won't be the siblings who always fights. "I play football" he said. And he carried me all the way home.

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