Chapter 28

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                             direction! I was so surprised. "Oh my god!" I screamed. I started to cry and put my hands over my mouth. They all brought me into a hug. "Nice to see you again" Harry said. I Couldn't believe this was happening.
   "Turns out me and Liams dad are old friends from school,we reunited at the concert." My dad said. I just remembered he was talking to someone,but I didn't know who because the other person was on the other side of the door. "We switched numbers and decided to surprise you" my dad added. This was all so surprising. "aaanndd we wanna give you our numbers" Louis said. I gasped. "As long as you don't give it to people" Niall added. "I won't" I said. I gave Harry  my phone so he could add his number and he passed it around and brought it back. "Thanks" I said.
  "Okay we are gonna play ball together,we are gonna run 2 laps around the feild and then start" Owen said. We all nodded and got ready. "Aaannd go!" He yelled and with that we all started running. "I'm so gonna beat you Styles" o yelled. I'm a pretty fast runner. "Yeah sure you are" he laughed. I'm gonna prove that i can. I wasn't running as fast as I could,so I picked up my pace. I got ahead of him and stayed ahead of him. I was the 5th person to finish.
   Once everyone had finished we got in our positions and started playing. It was fun. Braydon came to watch apparently I didn't see him until the game was over. The guys left sadly. I hugged them and I was gathering up my things when I felt someone tap my shoulder. "Sense when were they coming" Brandon said. "Oh hey I didn't know you where here" I said. He nodded. He was starring at me. "Whhaat" I said while laughing. He pulled me into a hug. I got my things and we left. It was a really fun day.
  Before the guys left,Me and the guys got pictures together and Harry took a picture of me and my family. When he we done he ran in the feild with my phone and I ran after him. Once I picked up the pace I jumped on his back and he tripped up and fell. We started laughing. It was a really good day
Okay so a little authors note. I'm not going to make a seprate book for the sequel,so I'm going to make 30 chapters for this book and then do 10 for the sequel

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