Chapter 14 The After Math

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~ One week after the funeral
Anthony P.O.V
It was a week after the funeral. Mari decided to spend the week with Cathrine back in Florida. She will be coming home later, so the gang and I decided to plan a party for her. Since we missed her real birthday, we were going to make this a late birthday. We managed to get the intier 'gang' to come for it. "OK guys Mari just texted me. She said she is a few blocks away so go hide I'll go out and wait for her." I stated and everyone nodded and went to hide. I sat outside until a taxi came out. She came running to me dropping her luggage and pulling me into a hug. "BABE! IT'S BEEN WAY TO LONG!" she shouted hugging me tight, like if she let go I would disappear. I hugged her back. "Don't worry I'm not going anywhere. Actually there is a suprise waiting for you inside." I said and she let her grip go a little. "What kind of suprise?" she asked but it was muffled into my chest. "Well let's go inside and you'll find out." I said picking up her luggage. We got to the door with her luggage and I covered her eyes with my hand. I opened the door and turned on the light. "Ready? 1...2...3!" I uncovered her eyes and everyone jumped out. "Suprise! Happy Late 18th Birthday Mari!" Everyone shouted and Mari looked shocked. Shocked and very very happy. "You told them?" She said looking at me with a smile. "Of course babe. I had to do something for your birthday. And they wanted to do something for you too." I said. "Oh Anthony thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me!" she stated beginning to cry. She was hugging me very tight again. "Hey I know your emotional, but you need to party first. You can be emotional later." I wispered in her ear. She nodded and waited till she had finished crying to look up. "All of you thank you, so so much. I am extremely gratful. We never celebrated my birthday at home. So this is really incredible. Thank you guys." she stated and I could tell she was trying to hold back tears. Mark and Jack walked up to us. "Hey don't sweat it. We do this for you," Mark stated. "...And we wouldn't have it any other way." Jack chimed in as they both hugged her. "Really, do I mean this much to you guys?" she asked once they released. "Of course you do! Do you really think we would have let you in our group in 7th grade if you didn't?" Pat stated. "Do you really think Anthony and I would have agreed to show you around the school?" Ian chimed in. "Do you think Red and I would text you all the time if you didn't?" Tiff stated. "And do you think that Jack and I would have always made sure that you were comfortable around us at school, and that you knew where to go and what to do?" Felix said coming up to her and Jack. The 3 of them were always closest in school, along with Mark. They always hung out. It never bothered us. They always made it to group things and stuff, so we didn't mind when just the 4 of them wanted to hang out. "Who wants cake?" Jen said brining out the strawberry cake with purple icing. It said Happy Late 18th Mari! On it. "I do but there's something missing from the cake." Mari stated. "What's that?" I asked snaking my arms around her waist. "Well the most important thing in my life duh! You guys!" She stated

Mari P.O.V
"Well the most important thing in my life duh! You guys!" I stated and paused. They looked confused extremely. "Well come on, we've got cake, icing and you guys, get over here and put your names on the cake!" I stated laughing. With that everyone put there names on the cake. Everyone using there favorite colors. "I know let's put all our names in a hat and draw them out. Whosever name you draw you have to eat the slice of cake with there name!" Mark stated, we all nodded and agreed. I got Jack, Jack got Jen, Jen got Joven, Joven got Ian, Ian got Red, Red got Keith, Keith got Noah, Noah got Wade, Wade got Sohinki, Sohinki got Flitz, Flitz got Wes, Wes got Olivia, Olivia got Pat, Pat got Lasercorn, Lasercorn got Courtny, Courtny got Shayne, Shayne got Tiffany, Tiffany got Anthony, Anthony got Felix, Felix got Bob, Bob got Mark, and Mark got me. We got our pieces of cake and began to eat. "Jen you've really out did yourself this cake is amazing!" I exclaimed after eating half my cake. "Well duh I out did myself. Mari you deserve best, and only best!" Jen stated. She looked at me with a huge smile on her face. I knew what she planned to do next just because I've known her so long. "OK Jen don't hug me our you won't make cake again." I threatened laughing. "Fine but only because it is your Birthday party!" She stated now also laughing. "So we have a long day left ahead. It's only 8 o'clock pm what should we do?" Felix asked. Everyone turned there attention to me. "How about we go outside and enjoy the nice weather, let off some sparklers or something." I stated and everyone agreed. We went outside and began our little show. That night was so much fun. But the party wasn't the only suprise in store. "Well there's one more suprise we have for you to end the night." Mark stated. "W-Whats that?" I asked a little scared. Mark's suprises weren't really... stable. "Don't worry, we've helped him so you can stay calm." Jack said coming up and putting hands on both our shoulders and I relaxed a little. "Well come on let's show her!" Anthony stated leading the way. I followed behind with Jack and Mark at my sides. Everyone else trailed behind us. "Ready?" Jack stated walking in front putting a hand on the door that lead to our rooms. "Yeah, but Sean what are you guys planning?" I asked seriously using his real name that he hates. "You'll see babe, now open up the door Jack." Anthony said coming up behind. Jack opened the door and I was speechless. There were so many new rooms. All the rooms now had labels that said our names. "Thi-this is inc-credible!" I stated in complete shock. "As Tiff said she wanted all of us to move in together here, didn't she?" Mark stated beginning to walk down the hall. I followed with Anthony and Jack with me. Each room had 2 names so everyone shared a room. We got to my old room that now said Mari and Anthony. I turned and hugged all 3 of them, soon we were all in one huge hug. "Let's get some sleep we have a nice day to look forward to. Thank you guys so much. For everything you've done for me." I stated. Everyone nodded and we got some shut eye.

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