Chapter 13 The Punishment

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Anthony P.O.V
It was a good thing Mari picked me for her team, cause we won. I suck at 5 nights at Freddy's, another reason that was good. The team names we came up with were absulutly ridiculous. Ours was probably the best, the least funny. It was WesAnthariPie. Felix ended up winning it for us by beating all 5 nights then failing on night 6. We saved Jack from the punishment, he got to help us set up. We put cameras everywhere where we hid. Mari was right on the side of the staircase behind the wall. The minute they turned the corner she would jump out at them. I was under the small table we had in the basement. Felix went into the storage room and hid behind the fridge. Wes went behind the TV area. And Jack went to the small bathroom. MuyLordiplier went first (they took out Sept since Jack was now with us) and came downstairs when we texted Flitz. They had to stay together and once they found all 5 of us they went to hide. They got scared completely shitless. Mark screamed so loud I think the neighbors may have heard! They all went to hide and when they were done, I texted Flitz letting him know 3rd place could come down. PopularIanCornHinki got 3rd so they came down and had to find all 9 of us. Pat screamed louder the Mark! I think the whole block heard! And he also fell to the ground a few times which was hilarious. One time he knocked down Sohinki which was even better. They hid and I again texted Flitz letting them know that the ultimate losers could come down. I heard the door open and Jen was complaining that she didn't want to do it. She hid behind Joven and Red, who were behind Tiffany. Team GamingwithIhasRedShire came down all pretty scared. We scared them best yet. Then we all went upstairs and ended the video. "Oh my god that was fun! We need to do Game Bangs with you more often!" Bob stated. We all laughed and basically bullshitted the whole time they were there. Finally it came to be around 10 o'clock and they had to get home. We all said our goodbyes and we went upstairs to sleep. I slept in Mari's room again. That night we talked a lot. About everything going on, and all kinds of stuff. We also made out a lot. We didn't go far, neither did we want to, not yet. We basically just made out, and enjoyed each other's company. We then went to sleep. She told me that she kept having dreams about when we all meant. It's kinda weird, but pretty funny and cool too. I keep thinking about how weird it most have been for her. To come in the first day and meet all these people. I'm suprised she never showed that she was over whelmed. I feel the same about Felix. He was new in 5th grade from Sweden. I feel kinda bad for just bringing it on them like that. Jack never had that problem cause we didn't have the 'group' in 1st grade. It didn't really start till 3rd. I fell asleep with those thoughts in my head.

Mari P.O.V
I woke up the next morning very happy. Life was getting a lot better. Anthony, Tiffany, Red, Pat, and Jen, are going to help me plain my parents funeral. They found there bodys, the plane crashed in Hawaii, no to far off the coast. There bodys washed up on shore and the natives found them. The funeral was going to be small, nothing huge. My parents wouldn't want that. Just something to honor them. My cousin Catherine is going to come and help too, she is my only cousin, my dad's sisters kid. She is 19, almost 20, 2 yrs older then me. She supports my youtube job, and me in general. We always get along, she knows everything about me. She lives in Florida, in an apartment. Her hair is dyed dark blue, and it's short only to her shoulders. She is coming today. She's never meant the smosh gang, or the smosh squad, only heard stories. She was excited to meet them. I got up early and got ready. Then I put a note on the night stand for Anthony so he wouldn't freak out. I got to the airport 15 minutes early, or at least I thought. Two hands over my eyes and a guess who. "Hmm let me guess it's Catherine." I said and she came in front of me. "You bet, how you feeling?" she asked with a hand on my shoulder. She knew all about this, her mom passed away of cancer when she was only 12. "Better, life is getting pretty good. I have a boyfriend, the doc called yesterday and said I have a pretty good chance of being able to see again. Yesterday the gang came over, and we filmed a Game Bang. And now we all live at smosh games HQ." I stated "Mari that's awesome! So when can I meet them?" she asked, I laughed as we began walking to the car. "What part of we all live at smosh games HQ did you not understand?" I asked still laughing. We put her luggage in the back and I told her all about Anthony and everyone and the funeral the whole way there. We got there and Anthony came out the door. "Hey babe want some help?" He asked I laughed. "Sure why not, couldn't hurt." I stated as he grabbed her luggage and went inside. "Guys this is Cathrine, my cousin, she is going to stay here for a while. She's helping with funeral plans for my parents. Oh and Anthony if you don't mind, your going to move into my room. And Cathrine you will sleep in Anthony's old room, if that's OK with you." I stated. Anthony nodded and so did Cathrine. "I'm Anthony, Mari's boyfriend." He said with a hand out. "Hi Anthony it's nice to meet you. Mari's told me a lot about you." I blushed "Thanks Catherine, really thanks." I stated rolling my eyes. "Anyways I'm Ian, and that's Joven, Sohinki, Lasercorn, Wes and Flitz. The smosh games gang." Ian stated and everyone smiled and waved. Catherine smiled and waved back. "And I'm Olivia, and this is Courtny, Shayne, Noah, and Keith. The smosh squad." Olivia stated and the same events happened. We chatted and bullshitted all day, since we didn't have any work to do. It got late so we decided to watch a movie. We watched Deadpool. We had 3 couches and 4 chairs. Anthony and I took one of the chairs. I layed on his chest and we held hands. Cathrine took another chair, Joven took another, and Sohinki took the last. Keith, Noah, and Flitz took one couch. Shayne, Olivia, and Courtny tool another, and Ian, Lasercorn, and Wes took the last. We didn't really pay attention, we basically just messed on our phones. Tiff texted me saying she thinks we should all move into the Smosh HQ, I said it could be a good idea but it would take a while. We also decided that her, Red, Pat, and Jen would come tomorrow to begin planning for the funeral. We went upstairs and got ready for bed. Anthony and I again made out a lot again. I told him about Tiff's idea and about tomorrow beginning planning. He said it sounded like a great idea, both of them. So we went to sleep, cause we had to get up early and meet the others for planning.

~ Time skip to morning

Still Mari P.O.V
I woke up before my alarm, so I went and got ready. Right after my shower I heard the alarm go and Anthony groan. "Sorry babe, you agreed to help, so you gotta get up early. Just like the rest of us." I stated and he groaned again but at least he turned the alarm off and I heard him get out of bed. I started brushing my hair while he was in the shower. Then I did my make up. Then Anthony walked up behind me and rapped his arms around my waist. "Why do you wear makeup? You look beautiful without it." He stated and kissed my forehead. "It's not like I wear a lot like most girls. I only wear eye liner and lipstick." I stated putting away my makeup and turning to face him, them pecking his lips. "Ethier way your gorgeous. Let's get going, we don't wanna be late." He stated and with that we were on our way with Catherine. We made it to my mom's house and went inside. Tiff and Red were already there, so we were just waiting on Pat and Jen. They made it and we started planning. We made it simple, only us, Olivia, Mark, Jack, and Felix would be there out of my friends. No one else could make it, they felt really bad but they were busy. It would make it better because my parents wouldn't want something big. Also there parents, and Cathrine's parents. That's everyone. That's how my parents would have wanted it. We then went home. Anthony drove, I sat shot gun and Cathrine sat in the back. The funeral was going to be tomorrow which gave us long enough to set up. We got home around 1:00 that day, and we left at around 8:30 this morning. We got home and everyone was watching a movie again. They were watching Justice League: Crysus on 2 Earths. Ian motioned for us to take the same seats as yesterday since they had only been watching the movie for about 2 minutes. We finished the movie around 3. We decided to play some GTA. We finished that around 4:30 then decided to go get ready and get some dinner Olive Garden. After that we went home. We then went to our rooms for the night, because it wasn't till about 9:30 when we got home. Anthony and I were pooped. I plopped on the bed. "Ugh I hate long days I'm so tired." I stated. Anthony sat beside me. "I hope your not too tired." He stated kissing me. I grinned into the kiss. "Never to tired for you, babe." I stated. We just sat there and made out. He than licked my bottom lip asking for an entrance. I gladly opened and we explored each others mouths. We didn't go any further. We weren't comfortable yet. After about a half an hour of making out we finally got in bed. "How was that?" Anthony asked in a seductive tone with a smirk on his face. I laughed. "It was... nice, to say the least." I said breathless. "Let's get some sleep, we've got a long day ahead of us with the funeral and all that." He stated. "Yeah. Night handsome." I stated in a cocky tone. He huffed. "Night gorgeous." He stated also in a cocky tone.

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