Chapter 8 Seriously!

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Mari P.O.V
I had to stay calm. Punching Ian and being pissed would get me nowhere. "Well now that you tell me I remember what happened an-" I was cut off by Ian. "Mari I am so sorry for what happened. I was so stupid, I was just a stupid idiot. I don't blame you if you want to punch me, and I will let you. I payed for your hospital bill too, to try and make it up to you." he said. I was at the least very shocked in what I was hearing. He payed for my hospital bill? He said I could punch him? What the hell kinda of balogna am I hearing right now!? "Ian it's fine I forgive you, just don't let it happen again, because next time you won't be let off the hook, I promise you that." I threatened. Everyone laughed and then the nurse came back in. " Mari dear, you are aloud to go home now, I have signed you out, but you need to stay with someone." she said. "I can just stay with my parents." I said. A look of fear and worry went across her face. "Um Mari I'm afraid that won't work." she said "Ah why not?" I asked. "I know this is going to hurt but, Mari your parents aren't around, there missing, and for all we know, probably dead, Mari I am so sorry." she stated. I couldn't believe this. I'm asuming that my dad went on the trip with my mom, that there plane crashed and they were dead. I began to cry uncontrollably, Anthony hugged me and said "Just let it out, Mari just let it out." I did let it out, at this point I was crying histarically. My parents were dead, just fucking great. "She will be staying with us at smosh HQ then." Lasercorn said. I looked up shocked as hell "We already knew about your parents Mari, so we got our parents premission to stay at HQ for a while with you. We already moved our stuff and your stuff there. We will go to Lasercorn's after this and stay there for a day or 2 than head over there." Wes said. "And we're going to stay there too." Keith said and everyone nodded. "I-I I don't know what to say. Just, thank you guys so, so much!" I yelled standing up and hugging Anthony Wes and Keith. "OK you can stay with them, as long as someone is with you at all times." the nurse said I walked up to the nurse and thanked her then I went out of the hospital seeing 3 cars. "So who am I going with?" I asked. "Well me and the smosh squad are heading to head quarters to do some filming so not us, see you guys later." Courtny stated walking to the car with the rest and waving. I felt a hand on my shoulder and spun around to see Anthony. "Your coming in my car with me, Wes, and Flitz." he stated. "And me Ian Sohinki and Joven will be right behind you." Lasercorn stated. I hugged Anthony and he lead me to the car. Flitz was driving with Wes riding shotgun leaving me and Anthony in the back.

Anthony P.O.V
Mari was not in a very good state right now. Her parents were most likely dead and she may never see out her left eye again. This was just great just very very great. We got in the back seat of my car, and Mari looked terrible. She looked like she hadn't slept in days and had been crying for iternity. But she managed to smile and joke around the whole car ride, but right at the end it got a little serious. "So I guess I kinda ruined our awesome weekend didn't I?" Mari said and kinda asked I guess? "Mari you didn't ruin shit Ian's stupidity did." Flitz stated then went back to the road. "Don't spare me I know I ruined it. If it weren't for my stupid revenge plan none of this would have happened. If I would have just let it go then my eye wouldn't be all fucked up like this." she said trying to hold back tears. "Mari don't say that, remember Ian started it, you just wanted to end it. We don't blame you for this, we blame Ian 100 and 10%!" I stated putting an arm around her so she could cry. She needed to, it will help get her emotions out. "Y-your right I-I can't just k-keep beating m-myself up over st-stupid shit like th-this." she stated her tears beginning to dry. We sat there me with my arm around her and her sitting there half asleep. We finally arrived at Lasercorn's and I had to wake her up. I nudged her. "Mari we're her, it's time to get up, come on." I said and she slightly woke up. "Wha-what? 5 more minutes." she stated, I laughed at that. "Mari come on! We are at Lasercorn's we gotta go in with the gang." I stated. She finally got up and out of the car. We reached the door and went in with the rest of the gang. I sat Mari down and gave her the pain killers she was supposed to take for her eye. "What are these?" she asked "There the pain killers for your eyes, your supposed to take 2 twice everyday." I replied. She ate the pills and then we decided to do an update video. Mostly for Mari but also for the reasons on why we haven't been uploading and Ian being a dick. "3..2..1." The camera man said and we were a go. "Hey guys were back and first off we would like to apologize for not uploading the past few days." Joven stated "Yes and your probably wondering what's going on with Mari's eye patch over there." I stated as she did a little pirate pose and an argh while she pointed to her eyepatch. "So basically Ian was stupid and sprayed her in the eyes with dish soap, and now she may never see out of her left eye again." Lasercorn stated and I can tell Ian did not feel good. "But don't worry I have forgiven him this time." Mari stated and hugged Ian then punched him in the face. "OK deserved that." he stated. "So the reason we haven't been uploading is because we have been tending to her and waiting for her to wake up at the hospital, and thankfully she woke up healthy this morning." I stated cheerfully. She smiled and gave the camera a smile. "So yeah sorry for the short video but we wanted to let you guys know that everything is ok, and that we aren't dead or anything." Sohinki said and we ended the video. It was already around 11 and we were tired so we went to our rooms to get ready for bed.

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