Chapter 11 Flashbackmania

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~ Time skip during dream to end of the school day.

Still Mari P.O.V
It was the end of the day and let's just say, I hate school. Don't get me wrong I was very happy with the friends I made, but all in all, school itself still sucks! It turned out that all of our 'group' was in the same class. The bell finally rang and I went to my locker. "So what did ye think of yer first day?" I heard Jack ask. Him and Felix were coming over to me. I smiled since they had been in the same situation. "Good! All in all I really enjoyed it. But the fact still remains that school sucks!" I stated and they both laughed. "Good to see your having fun! We'll see you tomorrow Mari!" Felix said as they both walked off waving. I waved back and walked out the door to begin my walk home. I reached my house and started up the sidewalk when I heard a voice calling me. "Hey! Mari is that you?" It was Anthony. I looked over to see Anthony walking out of the house next store. "Yeah it's me Anthony, is that you?" I joked and he laughed. "Guess we're neighbors and didn't even realize it!" he stated still laughing his ass off. "Guess so. Well I gotta get inside, see ya tomorrow!" I stated cause I did have to get inside. "Alright see ya tomorrow Mari." he responded and we went inside our houses. "Hi Mari, I see you already have a boyfriend." My mom stated. "Really mom? He's not my boyfriend he's my friend from school. I already have a lot of friends actually." I stated and I went over to the couch and turned on the TV. "Really? What are there names?" she asked I sighed and listed the names. "Felix, Jack, Mark, Ian, Anthony, Lasercorn, Sohinki, Joven, Red, Bob, Wade, Wes, Flitz, Pat, Tiffany, and Jen. Oh and guess what, Felix and Jack are exchange students too. Well they've been in America longer, but they can still relate. Jack came here in first grade from Ireland. And Felix came in 5th grade from Sweden." I stated trying not to forget any of my new friends name. "It's nice to see your making friends sweetheart. So only 2 girls?" she asked. I knew she would say that. "Yeah. Ian and Anthony were the 2 boys Mrs. Bridge assigned to show me around. They like video games a lot, like me. They let me sit with them at lunch and those were all the people they hung out with. All of them were really nice to me. And Felix and Jack came up to me at the end of the day to ask me out it was." I stated defending the fact that I hang out with a lot of boys from school. "Well I don't care if there boys. There nice to you and they are your friends so who cares." she stated kissing my forehead. "Thanks mom." I stated.

~ Dream ends and Mari wakes up to her alarm clock.

"Ugh shut up stupid alarm!" I stated wanting to sleep more. "Mari you can't just sit and yell at the alarm clock." Anthony stated slowly getting out of bed. "Why not its fun?" I asked and we sat laughing our asses off. "So today is moving day huh? Ugh, only 7:00?" I complained he laughed. "We all agreed 7, I'm suprised we didn't hear 3 other alarms going off too. Now get ready and start packing the last of your stuff." he demanded. I obeyed, this was going to be a long day.

Anthony P.O.V
Mari and I were the first ones downstairs with the last of our stuff. Lasercorn and Ian beat us. We waited for the others. Soon Flitz and Wes arrived, then Sohinki and Joven and we were off. We made it to the HQ, unpacked then went to edit some videos. The smosh squad was not going to come till tomorrow so we had some time alone."Hey guys guess what." Mari suddenly stated we all went up to her and said what. "I just got a text from Tiffany and she said she wanted the whole gang to come to HQ for a little reunion. And they want to see my beautiful eye!" she stated and pointed at her eye for the last part. "That's awesome, I think we can all agree to that." Sohinki stated and we all nodded. "So when can they come?" I asked curiously. "I don't know, I'll have to text them." We all went back to what we were doing for a while until she spoke again. "She talked to everyone and they said they could come Monday." We all smiled then went back to what we were doing. This was the first time we would have seen them since the last day of school last week. It doesn't seem like long but still. Then a Skype call came up on my screen. It was from Mark. I called everyone over and answered it. "Hey Mark what's up?" I asked. We waited for a responce. Mark looked excited. "You wanna know something funny?" he asked. "Come on Mark spit it out!" Mari said playfully. "You guys picked up this Skype call. Buh bye!" he said then signed off. We all groaned. "He is such a tease." Lasercorn stated. "Always has been guess he always will be." Ian stated and we went back to what we were doing. We edited and posted videos all day long and before we knew it it was 11. "Oh shit! It's already 11. We better get to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day with them coming over and all." Flitz stated. With that we all went to our rooms to sleep.

Mari P.O.V
I was on my phone playing around on Twitter when I heard a knock on my door. "Come in." I stated then Anthony walked in with his phone and charger. "Mind if I sleep in here?" he asked I laughed. "No prob babe." I stated and he got in bed as I put my phone on the charger and started getting sleepy. "Night gorgeous." he stated again rapping his hands around my waist. "Night babe." I stated and with that we fell asleep.

~Mari again dreams about her first meeting her new friends

I woke up the next morning to my alarm and I did not want to get up. I never was a morning person. None the less I got up brushed my teeth, took a shower, brushed my hair, got dresses and pulled my hair back. Today I was wearing my favorite pikachu hoodie, black jeans, and my normal tennis shoes. I walked downstairs and grabbed my backpack, I never ate breakfast. I walked out the door and Anthony was waiting for me. "Wanna walk to school with me?" he asked. I nodded and smilied. We again talked about anything and everything all the way there. We were doing group projects and everyone in our 'group' got to he with another person in our 'group' except Joven. Ian and Anthony, Mark and Jack, Pat and Jen, Tiffany and Red, Bob and Wade, Lasercorn and Sohinki, Wes and Flitz, and Felix and me. I felt bad for Joven but he got to be with his friend Cody so he was good. Ian and Felix decided to walk home with me and Anthony. We were going to work on our projects at my house all 4 of us. My mom didn't mind if I just had friends over randomly. We. got to my house and opened my door. "Hi Mari, brought some friends I see?" my mom asked. "Yeah mom we have projects due. Me and Felix are partners, and Ian and Anthony. Anthony is our neighbor he lives right next store. We all decided to come here, and tomorrow we will finish at Anthony's. If that's all right with you?" I asked explaining our situation. "Of course Mari dear! That's fine by me. You guys can call me Mrs. Takahashi, or nina, which ever you perfer." she said I smiled. "Thanks mom, can they stay for dinner?" I asked and looked at them, they nodded there heads. "Of course Mari, but they have to leave afterwords before your dad gets home, you know how he is." she said. "OK mom, we're going to work on our projects now, bye!" I said then I led the gang to my room, which still had boxes everywhere. I had a big desktop computer and a laptop. Felix and I worked on the bed, Ian and Anthony took the big computer. We got halfway through our projects and still had an hour before dinner. "You guys wanna play smash bros?" I asked, they looked shocked at first then nodded. Felix won the first 2 rounds. I won the 2 after that. Anthony won 1, then Felix again won the last one, then it was time for dinner. "I hate this game." Ian pouted we all laughed then went downstairs. My mom ordered a pizza. When we finished they gathered there things and left. "Felix, Ian, I can give you a ride home if you want?" my mom asked. "No thank you Nina, we just live a block down, it's no big deal but thanks for asking." Felix stated and they waved and walked off. "Are you having fun with your new friends Mari?" my mom asked when my dad walked in. "Yeah, but now I'm pooped from working and playing smah bros." I laughed, then I went upstairs, brushed my teeth, got in comfy clothes, set my alarm and went to bed.

~ Dream ends

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