Chapter 6 Not Sure

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Anthony P.O.V
"Well what do you wanna do than?" Mari asked. "Well I don't really care, what do you wanna do?" I replied, then yawned. I tried to hide it, tried to not show signs of defeat, but it came out anyways. "Really, your not tired huh?" she asked laughing. "Hey just cause I yawn doesn't make me tired. Besides I think we're both pretty tired." I replied yawning again as did she. She just sat there laughing, as did I. "Why don't we just mess around on our phones, until we are REALLY tired." she suggested. I agreed and we just sat there messing with our phones. My phone suddenly buzzed and I got a text form Ian.

Ian: Hey what are you and Mari up to? Mood: Curious

Anthony: Just messing around on our phones, what about you, mr. Basement? Mood: jokester

Ian: Haha funny. I'm bored as hell that's why I texted you. I wish I was up with Lasercorn. (Wimpers) Mood: Sad

Anthony: I guess Iancorn never dies huh? Mood: Jokester

Ian: Nope never Mood: bored

Anthony: Well I'm not supposed to be texting you so bye! Mood: Rubbing it in.

He continued texting me the intier night, but I didn't respond. "Ian trying to get a hold of you too?" Mari asked looking over my shoulder. "Yep, has been what about you?" I asked. She showed me her phone, which had 12 new text messages all from Ian. "Ha he's desperate." I stated. She laughed and went back to checking her twitter. Has my phone again went off, but this time it was a text from Joven.

Joshua: So is there any Anthari action going on? Come on, it's clear you like her. Mood: Curious

Anthony: I'm just going to pretend you didn't just text me that and ignore you mood: annoyed

Joshua: Hey just speaking the truth dude I've seen the way you look at her and the way she looks at you. Mood: knowing

Anthony: OK whatever you say, so what are you and Sohinki doing? Mood: Curious

Joshua: Sohinki is asleep already and I'm heading there now so night mood: tired

Anthony: Joven don't be such a coward stay up! Mood: complain

Joven: Sorry guys can't get to you right now, get back as soon as I can!

"Damnit." I mumbled under my breath. "What?" Mari asked. Oops didn't mean to mumble that loud. "Joven is being a coward and just went to bed on me." I replied. "A, why was Joven texting you?" she asked. "I-um a... don't know, to be an idiot probably." I covered myself but studdered a little, I think she noticed but didn't say anything about, another reason to like her. At this point I didn't even care that I liked her I just let it happen. "Um ok, probably knowing Joven, he probably just wanted attention." she said then returned to her phone. Shortly after I heard light snores beside me, she moat have been asleep but I didn't bother to look, cause I was basically asleep myself.

~ Time skip to morning

Mari P.O.V
I woke up in my temperary bed and heard snores. Anthony was right next to me. "Hm guess we fell asleep last night." I mumbled to myself. Today was my 18 birthday, I got held back in kindergarten so I was a year older than everyone. None of my friends new when my birthday was cause I didn't like making a big deal about it. "Huh, well happy birthday to me." I mumbled again. "Wait it's your birthday?" Anthony said as he shot up from his sleep. "A-anthony I-I thought you were asleep!" I whisper yelled in shock. "I was half asleep, but back to the point, why didn't you say it was your birthday? Doesn't that make you 18?" he asked. Shit! Well no use in hiding it now. "Ah ya i-it is my birthday, and y-yeah I am 18 today. I-I got held back in kindergarten, a-and I didn't want to tell anyone my birthday cause I-I didn't want you g-guys making a big deal out of it." I stated holding back tears, I really didn't want anyone knowing about this, and now my best friend knew. I probably won't have a best friend after this, but I was shocked with what happened next. "Hey it's ok Mari, if that happened to me I probably wouldn't want anyone knowing ethier, hey I won't tell the others if you don't want me to." He said hugging me. "Wow, gotta tell you the truth that caught me off gaurd, I thought you were gonna hate me, it's fine though, it's about time I tell you guys anyways, just don't tell anybody else." I threatened. He just laughed. "Of course not, you can come out when your ready, in the meantime, if your gonna tell the others today, you know there gonna wanna do something for you, right." he reminded. "Trust me I won't let them, and your going to help me." I said. "Whatever, let's go wake the others so we can get Ian out of the basement." he said after punching me in the arm and getting up out if bed. "Anthony I don't think we'll have to wake them up." I stated. "What do you mean?" he asked. "Look." I said showing him my phone. "JEEZ 1O:30 ALREADY?" he shouted. "Yep, well let's go see if they need to be woken up." I stated he nodded and we were off. We slowly opened the door to Wes and Flitz's room, they were both asleep. "Hey I have an idea." I stated I ran back to our room and grabbed our pillows then went back. "What do you think?" I asked with an evil smirk on my face. He caught on and took the pillow from my hand. "Let's do this." he stated and we began beating the shit out if them. "AH WHAT THE HELL?" Flitz asked as Wes just laughed. "Nice one asswholes, nice one." Wes said laughing. "Hey can we do the honors and get Joven and Sohinki?" Flitz asked. "Sure but it wouldn't suprise me if Sohinki was up, Joven texted me last night and said he was already asleep so watch out." Anthony warned. I just laughed. "We'll take out Lasercorn and then we meet at the basement door, I have a plan for Ian." I said and everyone stared at me shocked at first then nodded. We went out took out the others and we all meant at the basement door. "OK Lasercorn do you have any silly string?" I asked with another one if those evil grins on my face. Everyone else caught on and had the same evil grin I did. "I do in my room, and I have one for each of us in our favorite colors too. They were supposed to be for later but I think this will be more fun." he said as he went to get the sully string. He was right in all our favorite colors. Purple for me, dark blue for Anthony, normal blue for Joven, red for Flitz, light green for Wes, dark green for Sohinki, orange for Lasercorn, and yellow for Ian, but since we were attacking Ian, I got to use the yellow. Awesome, now it was time to give the rest of my plan. "OK so we're going to go down there and wake him up nicely saying he can come up now, by we I mean me and Anthony, then when he runs to the stairs you guys will spray him, forcing him back down here crying to us, then we will whip out ours and spray him, he'll have nowhere to go!" I explain. They all agree. "Alright let's do this!" Anthony stated and we took the pad lock off and went downstairs.

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