Chapter 1 Lasercorn's news

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"YOU GUYS! YOU GUYS! GUESS WHAT! " Lasercorn yelled as he ran into the office, panting. "What is it, Lasercorn?" Sohinki asked irritated as he threw the wii controller across the room. Lasercorn just caused his elimination in Mario Kart Battle mode, thankfully they weren't recording. They always had to wait for Lasercorn to get to work to record. They recorded right after school, but the problem with that was Lasercorn always got in trouble and had to stay after school. They were in 11th grade. Everyone was already 17 except Ian, who was still only 16. "Damn Sohinki, showing your sohinkiism much?" Mari questioned as she as well was just eliminated. Sohinkiism, as they called it, was when Sohinki got pissed at games then came up with excuses as for why he lost. "What's up Lasercorn?" asked Mari, after she managed to calm Sohinki down. "O.K so my mom just texted me and said that you guys could all spend the night this weekend!" Lasercorn said excitedly.
Lasercorn's house was HUGE so it was awesome that his mom said they could come over. "But wait that's not all, my mom also said since we're getting older we needed some privacy so she won't be there this weekend!" Lasercorn added getting even more excited. Lasercorn's dad passed away before he was born, and he was an only child so this was the best news for the 8 friends. "That's awesome Lasercorn!" Anthony exclaimed. "Now we just need to get our parents to give us premission!" Anthony added. "Well my mom already contacted Flitz, Sohinki, Ian, and Anthony's mom's and they've already agreed to it." Lasercorn added to all the good things. "So we just need Mari, Joven, and I's parents premission." Wes added. "GOD DAMNIT!" Mari yelled, sounding very pissed, phone in hand. "What?" Anthony asked, worried. Mari replied "My mom said I can come buy I don't have a ride because she hasn't gotten me a car yet and she is taking the only car we have to go to an over night work thing this weekend so unless I can find a ride I can't come this weekend." She said very pissed and worried. Anthony put a hand on her shoulder and said "I live right next to you, I can give you a ride." "Really?" Mari asked happy shocked and grateful for her friend. "Of course Mari, besides it's not a party without all of us there, right?" Anthony answered. "Anthony thank you so much, I so owe you back for this!" Mari said as she jumped up and hugged her friend. Anthony was used to this, Mari hugged everyone, but this hug, felt, weird. It was almost awkward for both of them. Once Mari realized this she released from the hug, smiling thankfully up at Anthony.Wes seemed to notice the awkward tension between the 2 and decided it was a good time to say his part. "Just texted my mom she said I could go, too." He announced. "Mine too." Said Joven. Mari glanced at both of them quickly and gave them a "thank you" look. "Awesome so we're a go for this weekend?" Lasercorn asked. "We are a go!" Sohinki answered. "OK now let's get recording, no reason to keep our fans waiting!" Ian exclaimed picking up some controllers and restarting the game. "Um what exactly are we recording? I kinda wasn't here." Lasercorn questioned. "You'll just sit out with me the first round while we explain it to the viewers, and by the way it's a Game Bang." Joven said "Alright let's go!" Flitz stated as he and Wes went behind the camera crew and the gang began recording laughing and having fun, as always. All of them equally excited about the fun they would have the coming weekend.

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