Chapter 6

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Anna's POV

I loved watching the stars at night. It made me feel like there is hope in the world. As I stared up at the sky my mind couldn't help but wander to the boys; more specifically to Kendall. That boy was so sweet and kind. When we were little I kind of had a little crush on him; but then there's Logan. Logan has always been there, always. My eyes wandered down to my wrist. I took the bandage off to reveal my multiple pale scars that ran up and down my arms. I really wish I could tell someone. Nobody would understand though. Oh well it's not like anybody would care.

Carlos' POV

I snuck up the hallway behind Anna. As I got closer I could see that she has her sleeves rolled up to her elbows and she was in her jammies. I quickly ran up behind her and grabbed her by her sides.

She let out an ear piercing scream and started flailing her arms and legs everywhere. It took me a few seconds to realize that she was crying. I put her down and she immediately retreated into the closet corner and curled up into a ball.

Anna's POV

My thinking was interrupted by a sharp shooting pain that was running up my sides. Somebody was grabbing at my sides. I started to flail my body around. My dad had obviously woken up to find that I wasn't there and had gotten really angry. My dad let me down, I ran and curled up into the corner. I brought my legs to my chest and started hysterically crying. I braced myself for a punch or a kick but it never came. Deciding to see if he was still there I looked up; expecting to be met with cold dark eyes. Instead I opened my eyes to see two warm brown eyes staring back at me. 'Shit' I thought. This wasn't my dad. This was Carlos.

Carlos' POV

I was panicking. I didn't even know what I had done to make Anna so afraid. She was balled up in the corner with he eyes screwed shut crying her beautiful green eyes out. A few minutes of crying went by then she opened her eyes to look at me. They only opened for a few seconds but when they did I saw something. I saw fear.

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