Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Kendall’s POV

“Kendall you can tell me anything. You know that right?” I nodded and grabbed her hands. Looking straight in her eyes I began to tell her about what had happened.


Kendall’s POV

I was so glad that everybody was out of the apartment for the afternoon. I needed to think about what I was going to do about Bells. I thought I liked her but knowing the other guys they probably liked her too. If Carlos or Logan liked her then I knew I had no chance. Logan has been her best friend since we were little so because of that he had a way better chance than I did. Anna and Carlos had become really close since she starting staying with us. There was obviously something going on between them. I didn’t even have a chance with her. I was in the middle of sulking on my bed when I heard something coming from the living room. It sounded like somebody was looking for something or somebody. Everybody was out and James was down by the pool so I had no clue as to who would be in the apartment. I quietly walked towards the sound. I was frightened when I saw a man in the living room. He looked kind of familiar but I couldn’t figure out from where I knew him from. He stood at about 6 foot 3. Once I realized what was going on I knew that I had to stop this man from robbing my home. ''HEY! Get out of here!'' I yelled. The man looked up to see me standing in the doorway. ''Where the hell is she?!?!?” I had absolutely clue as to who he was talking about. “What are you talking about? Get the hell out of my house or I’ll call the cops!!” He didn’t take that very well because he stormed over to me and punched the side of my face. Not expecting that I fell to the ground. “Where the hell is Anna?!” It finally clicked. This was Anna’s dad. I never really spoke to him after his wife died. Anna rarely talked about him. Feeling like he was a danger to Anna I didn’t want to tell him where she was. There must have been a different reason to why she starting living with us and I felt that he was that reason. “I-don’t know what you are talking about!” I spit in his face as I sat up in an attempt to get away from him. “You are a bad liar Knight.” He gave me another blow to the face. I could feel the blood running down my face; most likely coming from my split lip and nose. He was standing over my face. “You tell me where she is now and maybe I won’t hurt her; but if you don’t well then it’s bye bye Anna” He looked at me with his dark eyes and let out an evil chuckle. “Over.My.Dead.Body.” I swiftly kicked him in the stomach causing him to fall back and I ran to my room to hide. I didn’t notice that he came up behind me with a knife. I turned around and the next thing I knew there was sharp pain in my abdomen. The last thing I remember before fainting from the pain was four cold words that would haunt me in my sleep. “That can be arranged.”

End of Flashback

Anna’s POV

I was completely shocked and terrified at the same time. I knew that my dad was a bad person but I never thought that he would go after any of the guys. I guess I must have been crying because I felt him wipe a tear from my cheek. “Kendall, I’m so sorry this is all my fault. I should have never let Carlos talk me into living with you guys, I should have just stayed and stuck it out. I need to go I’m putting you guys in danger by just being here.”I got up to leave but I felt Kendall pull me back. “No Kenny you have to let me go. I can’t let you get hurt. You mean too much to me. I can’t loose you.” Kendall looked at me with worry and love in his eyes. “Bells you aren’t going to lose me. I promise.” I sat back down on the bed with him. This time I was lying beside him and he had his arm wrapped around me. “Now; tell me what going on with this man you call dad.” I didn’t really want to talk about my secrets anymore, but I knew that at this point I didn’t have the choice. “Well you know all those times when I had to hurry home to help my dad?” I saw him nod. “Well he didn’t really need my help. I’d get home and he’d pretty much beat me to an inch of my life.” I decided to just give it to him straight. I was done with lying. It was tiring keeping up appearances. After a few minutes of silence I looked up at Kendall to see that he was crying. “Why are you crying Kenny?” He quickly rubbed the tears out of his eyes. He obviously was embarrassed that I had seen him crying. “Bells it just pains me to think that anybody would ever want to hurt someone as sweet and beautiful as you.” I was amazed at what Kendall had just said. Did he really think that I was beautiful? “Do you really think I’m beautiful Kindle?” He sat us up so he was looking straight into my eyes. “Bells I think that you are the most beautiful thing that has ever walked on the face of this earth.” I was speechless. It took me a few minutes to process what he had just said.

Kendall’s POV

Anna was looking at me with a confused look on her face. I couldn’t help but think about how cute she looked like while she was thinking. I knew what I had to do next. I needed to make her mine before Carlos or Logan did. I slowly started to lean forward to Anna. She realized what I was doing and started mimicking my actions. The kiss was short but sweet and passionate. I was in complete bliss because I had been waiting so long for this. Once we pulled away I rested my forehead on hers. “Bells please, please tell me you’ll be mine.”  I held my breath waiting for her answer. “Of course I will Kenny.” I leaned in to give my new girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.

A/N: hey sorry for the really crappy chapter. Um if you guys review I’ll update faster and ill give you each a taco!!!! Xoxoxo- robyn

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