Chapter 11

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Anna’s POV

Carlos, Logan and I had been wandering through the mall for two hours and surprisingly I was having an okay time. I hadn’t felt sad or upset the whole time we were here. I wouldn’t let Carlos leave my side though. I needed my security blanket with me so I didn’t break down in the middle of the mall. When Carlos and Logan were trying on shorts in some random store I couldn’t stop thinking about Kendall. I feel so confused about everything. There were so many individual things that made each guy amazing. Kendall was sweet yet sneaky and could be a jokester when I need to laugh. Logan had always been there for me whenever I needed him. Ever since we were kids he was by my side all the time. But, then there was Carlos; he had been there for me when I really needed him. He is so sweet and caring. I really don’t know what I am going to do. They are all immensely sweet and awesome. When Kendall kissed my cheek before we left today I had felt myself blush. I don’t want the guys to feel like I’m playing them in any way. I love them all to much to do that to them. “Anna you ready to go?” I was shook out of my thoughts when Logan called me. “Yeah..are we done for the day?” I asked. I was really tired and kind of just wanted to go back home and sleep. “I think so. You coming sweetie?” I looked up at Carlos and nodded. Linking arms with him we left the mall and headed towards the car. Once I was sitting in the back seat with Carlos next to me we drove off towards the Palmwoods. I quickly felt myself falling asleep slumped against Carlos’ shoulder.

Carlos’ POV

I looked down at Anna who was quietly sleeping against my shoulder. She was so cute I couldn’t help but staring at her. “You know if you keep death staring at her she’s going to wake up right?” I rolled my eyes to look up at Logan who must have been staring at us through the rear view mirror. “No she won’t Logan.” “Well cut it out it’s creepy.” Yet again I rolled my eyes at him. “No it isn’t.  Plus I’m not ‘death staring’ I am merely admiring her beauty.”Do you like her Carlos?” I thought about what Logan had just asked me. I really did like her I just wasn’t sure if I should tell him because I had a feeling that he also liked her. I just really didn’t want to start any sort of drama. “Uhh- being honest Logie, I do. I really do like her. She is amazing. What about you?” I needed to know if Logan liked her too because then I would know who I’m up against in vying for her love. “What um I don’t know she’s my best friend. Of course I like her.” I could feel myself rolling my eyes yet again. “No not THAT like Logan like, like like her. You know more than a friend like?”

Logan’s POV

I couldn’t believe that Carlos admitted to liking Anna. My Anna. Well I guess she wasn’t mine. I just really wanted her to be. He was asking me all these questions now about if I liked her or not. I wanted to say yes because I really do like her but knowing Carlos he’ll get all competitive over who gets to spend the most time with her and who wins her love. I decided that I shouldn’t hide my feelings for her any longer. I have already been doing that for 13 years. “Yes Carlos I do like her. Happy?” I slightly regretted telling Carlos my secret. I knew that I would never hear the end of it. “I think Kendall likes her too.” So Carlos saw it too. It wasn’t just me who thought Kendall liked her also. “Yeah I know. It’s so obvious.” I said being completely honest for once. “Well you know she’s going to pick me right?” I couldn’t believe what Carlos had just said. There was no way that she was going to pick helmet head over me. “What the fuck are you talking about Carlos? There’s no way in hell she’d ever pick you. I’m her best friend. What would make you think that she would pick some immature helmet head over me? Sometimes you can be so naive.” As soon as those words left my lips I regretted them. I never got angry or swore with or around Carlos. He was way too innocent. I felt like such a jerk. “Look Carlos I’m sor-“. “Wow Logan. I actually cannot believe you just said that. When did you turn into such a – a – douche? Just because Anna and I haven’t been friends for 13 years doesn’t mean we don’t have a special relationship. She trusts me and I trust her. You honestly know nothing about her.” I was a bit taken back that Carlos spoke to me like that. He never does. Very rarely does he swear and when he does it’s never directed towards anybody; especially in a hurtful manner. The rest of the drive back to the Palmwoods was silent. I watched Carlos and Anna cuddling in the back seat. Carlos had a smug look on his face. He knew how badly I wanted to be in his position, having her close to me. It killed me to watch her snuggle up to his side; although she was really cute when she slept. We pulled into the Palmwoods and Carlos shook Anna to wake her up. “C’mon wake up beautiful we’re home.” Carlos helped her up and rapped his arm around her waist while she rested her head on his shoulder. Yeah; this was going to be harder for me than I thought.

Anna’s POV

All three of us walked up to 2J and I could feel that there was some sort of tension between Logan and Carlos. I decided not to ask about it because honestly I was happy at the moment and didn’t need anything to ruin it for me. When we got to the door I could instantly tell that there was something wrong. It looked like the door had been kicked in and the living room was a mess. I let go of Carlos and ran up to Logan. “Logie what happened here?” He responded with a confused look on his face, “Uh I’m not too sure Anna I was with you the whole time remember?” After processing what happened I realized that we had left Kendall this morning and he was nowhere to be found. James wasn’t home this morning meaning he was most likely at some girl’s house, or guy, we could never really decide which way he went. “Wait Logie where’s Kendall?” Logan and Carlos both froze. Carlos was the first to yell out for him. “KENDALL? KENDALL!?” I had the strange urge to check his bedroom. I ran up to the room that he and James shared only to find a disturbing sight.

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