Chapter 12

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 Anna’s POV

I walked into Kendall’s room to a horrible sight. Kendall was lying on the floor covered in blood. His eye and lip were split and bleeding. It didn’t make sense that there was so much blood from just a split lip and black eye. I looked down to where Kendall was clutching his stomach. I must have been on some sort of adrenaline rush because I walked right over to him and moved his hands revealing what looked like a stab wound. “Oh my – Kendall.” My emotions caught up with me and I let out a high pitched scream. Logan and Carlos came running into the room. The only thing I can remember after that is somebody yelling my name and then nothing.

Carlos’s POV

Logan and I were searching the apartment for Kendall when we suddenly heard Anna scream from his room. We ran into the room to find Anna over by Kendall’s unconscious body. He was covered in blood and it looked as if Anna was too. We ran over to them, before I could Logan grabbed Anna and I let out a small growl. “You know what Carlos can we just forget this whole thing until we figure out whatever the hell is going on here?” I nodded and went to tend to Kendall. “Logan we need to get him to a hospital his pulse is really weak and I’m worried.” I had never been so afraid in my life, well besides for when I found Anna. I pulled out my phone and called an ambulance. I decided to take Kendall’s hand to reassure him and forget about Anna who was in Logan’s embrace for a while. “The ambulance should be here soon. Is Anna okay?”

Logan’s POV

I looked at the pale shaking girl who was in my arms. “Yeah she’s okay, she’s just in shock. Just give her a little bit and she will be fine.” Looking at Kendall I shuddered. He was bad. With all the blood I didn’t know how bad he would turn out. I was too scared to even notice how close Anna and I were to each other. The EMT’s burst through the door breaking me from my thought. They went directly for Kendall throwing Carlos off. “No please let me go with him!!” I heard Carlos yelling at the EMT’s. They must have let him go with Kendall because he didn’t make any more noise. The next thing I knew they were trying to take Anna out of my arms and put her into an ambulance. Apparently we had somehow made our way down to the parking lot and were in front of the ambulances. “Sir, you need to let go of her!” I snapped back into it to look at the paramedic who was attempting to pry Anna out of my arms. There was no way I was letting her go. “NO I can’t let her go. I can’t leave her!” The paramedic agreed to let me ride with her in the ambulance to the hospital.

Anna’s POV

I woke up to a bright white room. I concluded that I was in the hospital. I was lying in a hospital bed but I wasn’t hooked up to anything so I must have been okay. I was sort of confused as to why I was in the hospital if I was fine. I looked slightly down beside my bed to see James looking at me. “Anna? Sweetie you okay?” I nodded. “Yeah, what happened?” He took a few breaths before answering me. “Well when you, Logan, and Carlos got back to the apartment the door had been kicked in and the place was pretty messed up and then you ran to Kendall’s room to find him on the floor covered in blood which caused you to pass out.” I was in complete shock. I couldn’t believe that someone would hurt somebody as sweet and kind as Kendall. “I-is he okay?” I really hoped that the answer was positive because I couldn’t lose someone as precious in my life as Kendall. “Yeah he just got out of surgery and Carlos and Logan were waiting for him down there but I’m sure that they’ll be here as soon as the can.” I could see that he was forcing a smile. I just looked down at my lap. I realized that I was in a hospital gown. It then dawned on me that I was wearing a short sleeve hospital gown which meant that James had most likely seen my scars. I was too afraid to ask him if he had seen them. He obviously saw my discomfort and decided to ask me about the so I wouldn’t have too. “Do you wanna tell me what happened?”

 James’ POV

She looked down at her wrists when I asked her. I had seen them when the first told me I could go in and see her. I didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable but I knew that it had to be asked about. “Not really.” Was all she said. “Anna c’mon hun you know you need to tell somebody about what’s going on. It’s important.” “I already told Carlos. He knows everything.” She continued before I could interrupt here. “He found me one night and saw. I’m glad he found out though. I needed somebody to save me and finally someone did.” “See that’s good Anna. Now you have somebody you can trust and talk to.” “But the thing is I can’t talk to Carlos. I just don’t know anymore. I think I may like him.” I finally understood what she was getting at. “but the thing is” she continued, “is I think I also maybe like Logan and Kendall. No offence to you or anything.” I let out a small laugh. “Hun it’s fine it doesn’t bother me in the least. How about I make you a deal?” She nodded her head. “How about since your feelings are getting in the way of your friendship with the others you come and talk to me? We’ll be the bestest of friends ever okay? Maybe I’ll even let you paint my nails and do all that girl stuff.” I got a small laugh out of her with that one. “Thanks James it means a lot.” I smiled at her. “No problem Anna. Now the guys are down visiting Kendall. Do you want to go see him too?”

Anna’s POV

I nodded me head vigorously. James laughed at me a little bit. “Well your clothes are right there on the chair so I’ll be waiting outside when you’re ready to go see Kendall.” I got up off my bed and before he could leave the room I gave him a big friendly bear hug. “Thanks Jamie.” “Anytime.”  Once he left the room I got changed. James must have gone back to the apartment and grabbed my sweats and a long sleeved shirt. I walked out of the room trying to get my hospital bracelet off. It wasn’t really working out for me. When James saw me struggling with it he grabbed my wrist and just pulled it straight off with ease. “Wow thanks Mr. Muscles” He gave me a playful push and we started walking down to the room where Kendall was. “So Jamie do they know what happened yet?” He shook his head. “The police were at the apartment when I went back to get your stuff but they said they hadn’t found anything. Logan texted me saying that when Kendall first woke up the cops tried to talk to him but he refused. Apparently he refuses to talk to anybody else but you.” I couldn’t understand why Kendall wanted to talk to me so bad. Sure we had a great relationship but I would have thought that he would want to talk to one of the guys if something was bothering him, not me.  We arrived to Kendall’s room shortly after James stopped talking. I walked in to find Carlos and Logan talking to him. He seemed better then when I found him but he was still really pale. I walked up to his bed and grabbed his hand. “Hey” was all I could get out of my mouth. He gave back a weak “Hi.” The others must have sensed that he wanted to talk to me because of what happened next. “Hey uh- Logan, Carlos why don’t we head down to the cafeteria and get something to eat. It’s getting pretty late.” I looked at the clock on the wall. It was nearly ten at night.  Carlos and Logan just silently nodded and left the room.

Kendall’s POV

Now it was just Anna and I in the room. I knew I would have to tell her what happened but I was worried about how she would react. While I was lost in my thoughts she spoke. “How come you wanted to talk to me so bad?” I looked straight at her. Her usual sparkly green eyes were clouded over with worry and fear.  “Do you not want to see me? I just thought you would considering we were friends. I guess not.” I didn’t really believe what I was saying to her but I needed time to stall. I really couldn’t begin to upset her after all this that had happened. “Ken what are you even talking about? Of course we’re friends, best friends and you know that.” She came and sat in between my legs on my bed and faced me. I sat up a bit and cringed at the pain shooting from my abdomen. “If we’re friends then why don’t you trust me?” “What are you talking about Kendall? I do trust you.” I replied with a doubtful look. “I think I need to tell you what happened today.”

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