Chapter 10

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Logan’s POV

I woke up at ten in the morning the next day. I had it set in my mind that I was going to take Anna out today and find out what was going on. I slowly sat up in bed to find that Anna was still cuddled into Carlos. I didn’t understand what he had that I didn’t. I’m not sure if she likes him or if he even likes her but if they do like each other I can’t ruin it; no matter how bad I want Anna to be mine.

At about noon I walked over to Anna and Carlos who were sitting on the couch watching a movie. “Hey Anna I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with me today?” I was really hoping she was going to say yes. I hadn’t hung out with her in a long time so I missed my Anna Banana. “Uhh- yeah sure. Do you want to go with us too Carlos?” My smile quickly turned into a frown. It’s not that I didn’t want Carlos to go with us I just wanted some privacy with Anna. “Well be ready by 1:30 okay?” I walked away sadly and retreated back to my bedroom. I had really wanted today to just be about Anna and I. But I guess that I can’t always get what I want.

Anna’s POV

I was scared when Logan asked me to go to the mall with him. I knew I would have to leave Carlos’ side and I wasn’t so sure if I was comfortable with that yet. Carlos was like my safety blanket and I needed him. That’s why I asked if he wanted to come with Logan and I to the mall. I could tell something was off with him when he left to go back to his room. “Carlos do you mind going with us to the mall? I-I just don’t know if I can handle being without you yet.” After I admitted that I turned bright red and went to turn away from Carlos. “I’m sorry that was stupid I’ll just go by myself no big deal.” Carlos grabbed my hand making me face him. “Anna that’s not stupid. I promised you that I would be there for you and if this is how you need me to be there then I will be there.”

Carlos’ POV

She looked at me with her big green eyes. She reminded me of a deer in headlights. All I could think of last night was how lost she must feel. How alone. I was snapped out of my daze when I realized that she was hugging me. “Thank You Carlos…it really means a lot.” I smiled back at her. “Anytime beautiful!” Watching her get up off the couch and go to her room I started to think about what it would be like after I finally make her mine. I would be able to hold her in my arms late at night, kiss her whenever I wanted to, and most importantly she would be mine and nobody else’s. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about anybody stealing her away, more importantly I wouldn’t have to worry about Logan stealing her away from me, or heck even Kendall. I could see the way they look at her. I know Logan likes her just by the way he looks at her. I know that they have been friends the longest and to be honest it would be hard to not develop a crush on someone as amazing as Anna. Kendall, I could tell he really likes her because he would take a bullet for her. Anna was lucky that I had found her that night by the bay window and not him or else he would’ve gone and murdered her dad. I just needed to make my move and make her mine before they did. Because if I didn’t I would lose her forever.

Logan’s POV

I felt like such a girl for sulking in my room. I guess it wasn’t that big of a deal that Carlos was going with us to the mall. It’s just I was hoping for some one on one time with her. If we were alone then I could maybe show her how much I like her; with subtle touches, or even if I was feeling bold I would hold her hand. I didn’t want to love her. I know that she only saw me as a friend. Having these kind of feelings could destroy the solid bond we have had for years. Seeing her with Carlos really hurt though. Just knowing that he got to have her by his side at night, getting to be with her all the time. He obviously knew something about her; either that or something happened and I had a feeling that it was bad. Anna always came t me with all of her problems, whether it was her first heartbreak or the time she broke her arm skateboarding. She always came to me with everything. The funny thing is we were almost like sisters. Having sleepovers, watching movies, one time I even let her paint my nails. I smiled to myself at that memory. Returning from my trance I decided it was time to get Anna and Carlos to go to the mall. “Carlos, Anna c’mon guys let’s go!!” All three of us were almost out the door when I yelled back at Kendall. “Bye Kendall!! We’ll be back before dinner!” Suddenly he came running out of his room and attacked Anna in a hug startling her. “Bye Bells! Don’t let these guys loose you in the mall.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek , she lowered her head but before she did I saw the pink flush she had on her skin. ‘Oh great!! She likes Kendall now too?!?’ I practically yelled to myself. Now I have two guys I’m up against for her love and attention. Somehow I knew that this wasn’t going to end well.   

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