Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Anna’s POV

On my way outside to the car I couldn’t help but think about how hectic the last little bit has been for me. Carlos finding me that one night had started this all. I still wasn’t sure if I were happy or upset that he had found me that night. I was so grateful that I didn’t have to live with my dad anymore and that for the most part I was safe, but; I was sort of upset because I hadn’t planned on letting all the guys find out about my dirty little secrets. Now Carlos and James knew about my cuts. Carlos also knew about my dad along with Kendall now. It seemed like everybody knew something bad about me. I couldn’t help but worry that the guys would eventually realize that I was a huge charity case and want me out of their lives. I was glad that Kendall and I were together. I couldn’t help but feel bad for Carlos though, I really liked Kendall. He was so sweet and amazing but Carlos had always been there for me and never left me, just like he promised. As I walked up to Logan’s car I couldn’t help but feel more confused than ever. I also had my dad to worry about now.

I opened the car door and slumped in my seat.

“What’s up buttercup?” I could tell Logan was trying to make me feel better.

“Nothing muffin.” He smiled at me and we pulled out of the parking lot.

I rested my head against the window and soon fell asleep.

Logan’s POV

Anna had fallen asleep almost as soon as we got back on the road. I actually still couldn’t believe all the crap that had been going on in her life. She was my best friend and she felt as if she couldn’t trust me. The situation with her dad was getting real and scary really fast. If he was willing to stab Kendall than what would he do if he ever got a hold of Anna? I started to worry for her safety. I was glad that Kendall had already thought ahead and made arrangements to move her far away from the Palmwoods. Even though I had made a promise to Kendall to keep Anna away from Carlos I personally didn’t see a problem with them hanging out or being close to each other. I knew Carlos well enough to know that he wouldn’t do anything to sabotage Anna and Kendall’s relationship; he cared about them too much.

When we arrived at the Palmwoods Anna had turned so her head was resting on my shoulder. I let out a small laugh as I went around to the passenger side door. Picking her up bridal style I carried her into the elevator. I received a few strange looks from people in the lobby. I guess it did kind of look weird for a somewhat scrawny teenager carrying another petite teenager in his arms. Once we got up to the room I kicked the door to get the attention of Carlos. After a few moments he opened the door. I heard him let out a small whimper when he saw the sleeping girl in my arms. He turned around but before he did I saw a stray tear roll down his face.

“Come on man, you’re going to have to get used to seeing her around. Things aren’t going to change. Especially considering what’s been going on lately. I know that you know about her dad so you don’t have to pretend anymore.” He just gave me a curt nod. Rolling my eyes I carried Anna to her room and laid her on her bed to sleep. Walking back into the living room I was thinking of an emergency plan just in case her dad ever came back. We all needed to be prepared for the worse. I was prepared to do anything for Anna. She was my best friend.

I sat down on the couch next to Carlos. “So I take it you know about Anna’s dad?” He nodded before responding. “Yeah, I know a lot of things about Anna; a lot.” I was starting to get sick and tired of Carlos moping about her. “Well he’s the one who attacked Kendall, Carlos. She isn’t safe here anymore.” I saw worry and concern along with love flash over his expression. “Logan what are we going to do?” I sighed as starting explaining what was going to happen. “Well right now James is organizing a place to stay for her that is far away from the Palmwoods and her dad. Once Kendall gets out of the hospital he is going to move all of her stuff over to this new place. As for who’s going to be staying with her is a mystery. I don’t think Kendall is going to leave her there by herself though. He’s probably going to move in with her or something will happen like all four of us rotate nights staying with her.” Carlos let all the new information sink in. “So how does Anna feel about all of this?” I rubbed the bridge of my nose. “See that’s the thing; she doesn’t know about moving out yet and we can’t tell her. It’s Kendall’s responsibility to tell her considering he is her boyfriend.” Carlos let out a groan.

“So what am I supposed to do until then huh? Just lie to Anna and tell her that everything is fine? Logan I can’t do that to her. She means way too much to me. And I don’t know about you but I think waiting until Kendall gets out of the hospital is too risky. I mean what if her dad comes back for her when we’re out or something? Are we just going to stand by and let him kill and do god knows what else to her? I have to protect her Logie. I promised her I’d save her from everything bad in the world. I can’t just break a promise like that.”

“But Carlos there is one problem with that. When I was at the hospital Kendall gave me specific orders to not let you near her. He knows about your crush on her and he doesn’t want you stealing her from him.” It pained me to have to reiterate the harsh words that were said about him at the hospital but I too, had made a promise and that was to Kendall.

“Wait. You’re telling me that I’m not allowed to be around the girl I love because ‘Ken-doll’ says so?” Carlos said, obviously upset by this. All I could do was nod my head ‘yes’.

The next thing I knew he was across the room getting his jacket and picking up my car keys. “Carlos where are you going?”

He turned to face me before leaving. “This is fucking bullshit. Who does he think he is? I’m going to give Kendall a piece of my mind.” The door slammed shut.

A/N) HOLY SHIT GUYS IM SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FASTER!! I’ve been really busy with school and Christmas. Considering it’s Christmas and all I won’t be updating for a while. But while you’re on here why not read and review my new fanfic Beside You?? Happy Holidays :) xoxoxoxo robyn

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