Chapter 7

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Anna's POV

I had stopped crying after what I thought was ten minutes but it turned out to be an hour. I hadn't even noticed that Carlos had pulled me into his lap and was rocking me back and forth. I could feel him running his fingers up and down my wrist over my scars. I silently cursed myself for being so stupid. I quickly went and pulled my sleeve down but Carlos stopped me before I could. "Stop Anna it's okay sweetie you don't have to hide anything from me. I'm here for you." And with that I just broke down in his arms. It felt so good just to cry it out. It had been about two hours and I was finally calm. It felt nice to be in Carlos' arms. It finally felt like somebody cared about me. "Anna hun, do you want to talk about it?" I just kind of looked at him and shrugged my shoulders. "I guess I have to right?" He looked at me and sympathetically nodded. "How about you start with the bruises? How did you get them?" He looked at me with so much caring in his big brown eyes. " I-it was m-my dad." I tried to hold my tears in but it was hard. I began to sob uncontrollably.

"Sh-sh-sh-sh it's alright baby you're safe now. He won't hurt you. I won't let him; I promise." I looked up at him to see that he was also crying. "Promise you won't let him hurt me anymore?" I was tired of being scared and if Carlos was willing to help me than I had to accept it.

Carlos' POV

"Anna I promise you that never again will that man lay a hand on you. I swear that I will protect you from everything bad in the world as long as I live, alright? But you have to promise me one thing." She turned on my lap so she was facing me, I could tell she was relieved that she was finally being saved. "You need to swear to me that if you ever feel like you're going to do something bad that you are going to call me. Any time any day and I will be there for you and together we are going to get through this together." Once I finished talking I saw that she had tears in her eyes.

"Okay. I promise just please save me Carlos. Please." And with that we stood up. I then realized that I couldn't just continue to let her live with her abuser. "Anna tomorrow during the day I want you to pack a bag and come down to 2J. I'll fake sick and stay home from the studio. From now on you're staying with me" I could see the joy in her eyes when I told her that. As we made our way back up to her room I slipped my hand into hers. I have always liked her. I've just never had the guts to say anything. When we arrived at her door I embraced her into the biggest hug I could. I quietly whispered in her ear. "Don't give up. I believe in you okay? You're going to make it through this. Don't forget how much I love you." I couldn't believe I had just said that! As I was about to pull away she said; "Thanks Carlos. You're my knight in shining armour. I love you too."

As I got back into bed my mind was racing. I thought that I'd use my energy to write a song. And I already had the lyrics:

"And I can tell by the look in your eyes that you need saving. And I can tell by the scars on your feet that your way needs paving."

Anna's POV

I safely made it back to my bed. Luckily I was able to avoid my dad. It was about five in the morning now and I couldn't fall back asleep. My mind started to wonder again; but this time to Carlos. It took me this long to realize but he was wonderful. I couldn't believe how sweet and amazing he is. If tonight hadn't been so dramatic I most likely would have given him a goodnight kiss. For the first time in years I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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