Chapter 5

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Kendall's POV

We had gotten back to the apartment at about nine. I had a blast watching the movie with Bells and Logan. I was starting to think that Logan is right about something being up with Anna. She was all spacey during the movie and the weirdest thing was when I went to give her a hug goodbye. She flinched away from me. Almost as if she was scared. I rolled over in bed and looked at Logan "Logie, you awake?" I looked over at him to see him stirring. "Uh-huh. What's up?" Logan's voice was sleepy. I had obviously woken him up. "I think you were right about Anna. She seemed a bit off tonight. Did you see that too or was it just me?" I waited for a response. "Yeah kinda. When we first got there she gave me a hug but I could feel her almost tensed up. Almost like she wasn't supposed to be doing it. I don't know what's up with her. Maybe it's just been a bad day." I thought carefully over Logan's words. "Yeah. You're probably right. Anyways I'm going to bed. Night Logie."

Anna's POV

There was no way in hell I could sleep after having that dream. I thought I should get out of the apartment for a while so I threw a hoodie on over myself seeing as I didn't have a shirt on. I tip-toed out of the apartment praying that my dad didn't wake up. The last thing I needed was another beating. My bruises from last night were still fresh. As I wondered the halls of the Palmwoods I found a huge bay window. I walked over and started staring at the stars. I rolled up my sleeves up to my elbows. The LA heat was starting to catch up with me. As I gazed out the window up at the stars my mind began to wonder.

Carlos' POV

I woke up randomly in the middle of the night from a weird dream. After lying in bed for about twenty minutes I realized that there wasn't a way I was falling back asleep. I decided to go for a walk. I left the apartment with no real destination in mind. As I wandered aimlessly down the hallways I remembered that there was this huge bay window that looked out onto downtown LA. I made my way down to the window. At the end of the hallway I saw someone had already beaten me there. As I got closer I could see that it was Anna. Suddenly I had a great idea. She had always been super ticklish so I was going to run up behind her and tickle her sides. It is going to be hilarious!

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