The day before my 15th birthday

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Sorry I skipped most of the growing up for both of them but its better when Anna gets home so :) keep reading please

Anna's p.o.v

"Aro you called for me " I said trying to stay calm as I waited for a response

" ah yes Anna, I was just wanting to remind you that you are 15 tomorrow that means you will be sent on a plane back to the Cullens home" Aro replied sternly

I couldn't help but be excited I was jumping up and down. My heart was racing and I just felt like my whole life is going to change

Aro laughed " I am glad that you are happy Anna " he said calmly.

I was more than happy, I was excited but I was also shaking thinking what if they don't like me anymore. What if I'm not what they expected ?

The next day

"Wake up wake up " Jane said looking even grumpier today

"What "I moaned

" do you want to be late to your own flight now " Jane said with a smirk on her face, Jane could be very kind sometimes but she could also be very angry and mean.

" no" I yelled with shock while throwing off my blankets, Jane was laughing so hard at me

" what is so funny I am late, what is the time how much time do I have to get ready" I say frantically while trying to find a clock

" well it's 6:00 am so that means you have 3 hours " she said still amused

Then I found out what she thought was so funny I was wearing Dora the explorer clothes, ohhhh that makes sense now

" what the, did you put this on me while I was sleeping " I asked her confused, She nodded and laughed at me

I rolled my eyes at her immaturity and got out of bed, I went towards my bathroom and splashed my face with cold water to wake me up

" oh yeah happy birthday Anna " she said still laughing as she sat on the edge of my bed

She does this to me every time its my birthday and then she thinks it's even more funny to take a picture. She got them all developed and mocked me for weeks afterwards.

" here you go " she said softly giving me a box

" what is it " I asked curiously while taking it and staring at it

"It's all the photos I took of you while you were growing up so that your family at least have pictures of you when you were younger " she said in a happy voice, oh look who's being generous this morning haha

I gave her a hug and opened the box it at least had about 4000 pictures I swear my jaw opened so wide it could have reached the ground. I was so shocked yet so thankful she did this for me.

" thank you Jane , I will miss you so much even though you are a moody bitch  " I said laughing while giving her another hug.

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