Whats wrong with Seth

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Anna's p.o.v

I made my way up the stairs to the room Seth was in and saw he was about to roll off the bed

I ran over to him as fast as I could and helped him back up so that he couldn't fall, I can run faster then a human but I am Still slower then a vampire

I sat next to Seth on the bed and stroked his face with my hand, He looked so peaceful and happy in his sleep

His eyes started to open slowly but he gasped in pain and they were shut again, he went limp on the bed as I sat there for a second in complete shock

" Carlisle" I screamed out scared

" What is it" he said from behind me

" He woke up but then fell back asleep while gasping in pain " I said starting to cry that my poor Seth was in pain

" Wait outside while I do some tests " he said sternly

I nodded and left, I sat on the ground and cried into my hands, I don't want to lose my Seth . His my only love, I'll only ever love him

10 minutes later

Carlisle walks out of the room with a sad expression on his face, bad news .

" What's wrong with Seth " I cried into my hands while sobbing uncontrollably

" His in a coma, I'm not sure what caused it but I'll keep an eye on his monitor " Carlisle said calmly while kissing the top of my head

" NO" I screamed banging my fists on the ground while crying, I felt arms wrap around me and pull me away from the door

" Let me go " I yelled angrily

" Honey calm down"he said and I looked up to see my dad

" I have to be with him daddy" I said while shoving my face in his chest and crying while he patted my back trying to sooth me

" I know you do " he whispered and hugged me protectively

I guess I fell asleep while hugging my dad because I just woke up on my bed, he must of put me to bed when I crashed out

I slowly got up and went straight into the shower and put it on really cold to wake me up, I sat on the ground and let the water fall onto my head and drop down my body giving my goosebumps everywhere

After I had a shower I put a purple singlet shirt on and black tights on, then brushed through my hair and after that I made my way down stairs to see my family waiting down stairs with sad faces

" Can I see Seth " I whispered quietly while looking at my feet

All of them faced me an Nessie was the one that stood up, it took her a few minutes but she managed

" Follow me" she said weakly while waddling

Then I realised she looks like she could have her baby any day now, I wonder if it's a boy or girl

" Okay " I said sternly

When we were in front of the room Seth is in I turned to Nessie and sighed heavily trying to distract myself

" Nice baby bump" I chuckle slightly while looking at her big tummy

She smiled and put her hand on her stomach giving it a rub, she seemed so happy so be going through this probably cause afterwards you will have someone so tiny and innocent in your arms that will be all yours

" I know " she said happily

" Well I am happy that you are happy" I said cheerfully

Then I walked into the room to see Seth laying on the bed with needles coming from him everywhere I almost cried seeing him this way but I kept myself strong

I spent the rest of the day with Seth and fell asleep next to him on his bed, giving him a kiss on the cheek and cuddling into his side

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