Happy birthday

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Anna's p.o.v

I woke up to everyone in my room screaming

" Happy birthday"

" What" I asked confused

" It's yours and Nessie's birthday " my mum said in a duh tone

"Oh" I said shocked

I forgot my birthday, how does someone forget the day that they were born, the day they get presents and also the day it's easier to get what you want

I squealed an jumped out of bed

" Presents " I screamed extremely excited

Everyone chuckled and Seth looked at me like I was crazy and belonged in a home for the mentally sick people

I ran down the stairs and saw Nessie sucking faces with jake so I jumped on them and they gasped while pulling away from each other

" Happy birthday sister " I screamed in her ear

" Happy birthday to you to, now get off" Nessie said happily

" Why so you can suck jakes face off " I joked

She blushed and so did jake . I got off and saw that everyone was watching us with amused faces

" Are we entertaining " I asked innocently

They chuckled and nodded honestly making me grin wickedly

" Presents " I yelled and sat on the floor to stop from jumping up and down

" I will go first" Nessie said

I ended up getting a necklace from Nessie , a bracelet from jake, a new car and phone from mum and dad, clothes from aunt Alice and jasper , a few leather jackets from emmett , clothes from aunt rose, decorations for my room from grandma, books from grandpa and Seth said I have to wait until later for my present from him

Nessie got everything I did but in different colours, different books and a different colour car and a different colour phone

I was so happy and it took me, aunt Alice , Seth and mum to bring it all to my room well obviously apart from the car like no way is that fitting in meh room, soz car but you gotta stay outside


" Seth I want my present ' I whined for the hundredth time today

" Fine" Seth said coming around the corner of the house in a tux and a little box in his hand. He came over to me and went down on one knee

My whole family were watching in shock and joy, I heart my heart flutter and I felt so sweaty, I couldn't stop smiling and I felt overwhelmed

" Anna Cullen, Will you marry me?" Seth said opening the box to show a beautiful gold ring with a heart shaped diamond on it

" Yes yes yes yes yes "I squealed and hugged him so tight that he probably couldn't breath

Everyone was clapping and cheering as Seth slid the ring onto my ring finger, stood up and gave me a huge bear hug. I felt so warm and safe .

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