Anna's life with the Volturi

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Anna's p.o.v

I hate it here but I can't go home not after what happened to Seth . I bet my family is disappointed in me for running away but in a way I'm kind of disappointed with myself as well, I'm stronger then that but I proved to everyone I'm weak

I keep thinking that I should go back home but every time I try to I can't leave . Knowing I'll be going home to no Seth . I couldn't bare the thought

I shouldn't have ran away in the first place but I was upset and I couldn't handle the pressure of being in the same house that my soul mate died in it would be torture I won't be able to think of anything but him

Well that's all I do anyway but I can't go home it's to painful, Seth is constantly on my mind . I miss him so much . He was my first love and my only love .

" Anna calm done your making it snow" Jane said from behind my door sounding really annoyed

Oh I am making it snow, well that's alright I guess now I know that when I am stressful it snows

" fine I will try, now go away" I groaned to Jane

And suddenly I was on the ground in so much pain, I growled in anger and rolled over on the ground in agony

" Jane" I groaned in pain

When it stopped I was panting for air and I was still in a bit of pain. I could hear Jane laugh evilly and I heard her walk back into her own room

"Bitch" I whispered to low for anyone but me to hear

I pulled myself up and went to talk to Aro about my family, I was really worried about them and how they reacted to me leaving

I get Aro to spy on them so I know how they are doing and what's going on or if they are looking for me, he always tells me that they are fine and not looking for me

" master Aro, any news" I said sternly

Mainly because I wasn't afraid of him, I knew I could easily take him down but I didn't want to start a war with the Volturi

" ah Anna so good to see you and no there is no recent news" Aro said sternly but I could straight away tell he was lying

" are you are telling the truth give me your hand" I said calmly

He nodded and gave me his hand and I saw something that made me jump back furiously

" Seth's alive and you didn't tell me" I screamed at the top of my lungs

" I am sorry Anna for keeping it from you but I didn't want you to leave" he said truthfully

" I am going" I yelled

He nodded and said " you will want to join me soon my dear Anna " was all he said before I ran out the door and I didn't take anything but my phone but that was the only thing I took anyways so I had everything that belonged to me with me except for Seth

I can't believe he is alive I was running faster now but after 50 miles it was pitch black and me being half human I was puffed out and really tired

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