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Anna's pov

Grandpa had taken Nessie and it turns out she is having her baby . I am so excited, I am waiting outside the door jumping up and down right now

Me and Seth were going to leave for our honeymoon but we postponed it for tomorrow because we wanted to make sure Nessie was okay and to see the baby which I hope is a boy

Nessie said I can help her and jake choose a name when she/he is born

15 minutes later

Grandpa opened the door with a huge smile

" Nessie is fine and the baby is a boy ' grandpa said happily

When I heard boy I ran into the room . I saw Nessie sitting up the bed holding the baby who was covered in a blanket

" Can I see " I whined running over to her

She smiled and handed him over and he was the cutest baby I have ever seen he had jakes dark brown/black hair, Nessie's brown eyes and his face looked a lot like jake it was like looking at a baby version of him

" He looks a lot like Jacob " I muttered amused

" Yeah I know, speaking of jake were is he" Nessie said curiously

" In the bathroom vomiting because he came through the door when the baby was half coming out of you and he all of a sudden turned green " I giggled in amazement making Nessie laugh

" Wait aren't you and Seth supposed to be on your honeymoon " Nessie said worriedly

" Noooo " I lied looking back at the baby

" Yesssss" Seth yelled from the other room

Nessie sat there looking guilty so I quickly changed the subject

' What's his name " I asked curiously

" i said that you could Pick " Nessie said proudly

" how about ERIC JACOB BLACK" I yelled proudly

" I love it" I heard jake yell, you could hear how sick he was hahaha what a legend

" Me too " Nessie screamed happily making Eric cry hahah awww

1 hour later

Me and Seth got an earlier flight so we didn't gave to wait until tomorrow

we are in the plane right now

I hate planes so much they freak me out, I would have been screaming while running up and down the isles if it wasn't for Seth sitting right next to me comforting me every time I jumped or looked scared

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