Plane trip

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Anna's p.o.v

I was now on a plane and Aro had given me all of the Cullens numbers because I had to call to tell them when to pick me up from the airport.

When I asked the lady on the plane how much longer it will take she told me about an hour and a half so I sat back down and looked at the numbers. Thinking of who I should call

I decided I would call Bella my mother. But they didn't have my number so it would come up blocked number or unknown most likely so I was hoping she would answer.

I pressed call and it started to ring.

"Hello" I beautiful voice said softly

" hi is this Bella " I said calmly

" yes" my mother said curiously

" this is Anna " I said

" Anna oh my god I have Missed you so much are you safe? are you on the plane? " she asked excitedly

" yes I am on the plane and yes mum I am safe, could you please pick me up from the airport I will be there in about an hour and a half " I said nicely

" ok I will see you soon my baby girl I love you " she said very happily

"I love you to mum " I said excitedly

When I hung up the phone the old lady sitting next to me was staring at me like I was a little kid and she treated me like one to even though she didn't know me.

"Hello there little child, what on earth are you doing travelling alone " she said in a shocked voice

" why don't you mind your own business " I stated back in a angry voice , I hate talking to people who do that. People who think they can know about my life .

"Excuse me" a lady in a uniform said to me " can you please move seats I don't want you to start anything by yelling at this poor elderly"

" what I didn't do anything she started it" I said shocked

" I said move " the lady said sternly

But when I got up to move the old lady got up and pushed me because I was taking my time, so I turned around and punched her in the face and because I was in first class I got all the way moved to second were I was the only one there. Guess everyone has money on this plane , stuck up butts

The time went really slow and the lady that told me to move said she was going to have a word with my parents about my behaviour, which I can admit I took it way too far by hitting the old duck but still .

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