Getting of the plane

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Anna's p.o.v

When I was about to get of the plane the lady was right next to me and walked me to get my things and then over to my family when they saw me and ran over they were all hugging me and kissing my cheeks.

"Excuse me " the lady said gravely to my mum and dad

" yes " Dad says confused

" I just wanted to tell you that your daughters behaviour was very disgusting" she says rudely

" why what did she do?" Mum asks curiously

" she punched an elderly women in the face " the lady said disgusted

"What " Bella said shocked looking at me

Everyone was looking at me but all I said was " it wasn't me that old lady started it by shoving me away" I said it very quickly

Everyone agreed that the old lady started it so with that the other lady left probably hoping I would have gotten into more trouble but I didn't. My family just met me again after 15 years they ain't gonna be grounding me within the first day haha

"What's in the box? " Alice asked me while gazing at it with curiosity in her eyes

" photos of me growing up, Jane thought since you all didn't watch me grow up she would take a lot of pictures" I said calmly

" I want to see " Alice whimpered anxiously and impatiently

" ok but can we when were in a car, I don't want to be rude but I am really cold " I said while shaking

Then they all noticed that I was wearing shorts and a short sleeved shirt, dad took off his jumper and gave it to me to wear which I was so thankful for haha

Then we hoped all walked to the cars and split up who was going in what cars , I was with mum, dad , Nessie and Alice.

"Show me" Alice said still whimpering

"Fine" I said defeatedly and gave her the box

She then found a picture of me with my toes in my mouth that picture was taken on one of my first days there. I hate that photo so much i look mental but then again I'm a baby , babies do weird shit

She showed Nessie, mum and dad they all laughed at me and I just sat there with red cheeks and a grumpy face. Because we grew so fast I was teething very quickly so I sucked on my toes to help it cause Jane didn't know what to do . She never had to look after a child before

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