Skipping the rest of the pregnancy to the end

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Anna's p.o.v

I am huge, I thought looking in the mirror in the bathroom at how big my stomach was and oh yuck don't even get me started on the stretch marks

" Seth" I groaned tiredly

" Yeah Anna " Seth said softly while coming in the bathroom

" Do I look big to you " I said anxiously

Seth chuckled

" Your pregnant you don't have to be embarrassed about being big " Seth said softly while kissing my cheek softly

I smiled and hugged him , but it was a bit hard with a giant ball belly in between us hahaha


Me and Seth are now at grandma and grandpa's house

I was sitting on the couch pretending to sleep while Seth was talking to grandpa and my dad

I suddenly feel my water break and I shot up which made me groan in pain

" My water broke " I screamed in pain

Seth, dad and grandpa were suddenly standing there and I was lifted by Seth and he ran up the stairs and put me on grandpa's hospital bed

I screamed and took a deep breath

I look up to see dad picking a fainted Seth up and carry him out of the room so now it's just me and grandpa

" Anna I need you to push " grandpa said sternly

I pushed while screaming in pain, I felt like just giving up like fuck this I'm out but unfortunately I have to do this like why can't the guy be the one to get preggo

" I can see a head, one more push" grandpa said sternly

I did and suddenly I heard a baby crying

" It's a girl " grandpa said happily

I smiled and screamed again

" Your having twins " grandpa said while placing my baby girl next to me

I pushed and heard another cry

" It's a boy " grandpa said happily

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