Home and meeting the wolfs

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Nessie's p.o.v

When we got home Anna was fast asleep, so dad put her to her new bed while we all went to the living room to look at all the pictures and some were really cute and some were really funny. Whereas others were just plan out embarrassing for her hahah we found a recent one and she was dressed in Dora the explorer pjs

The next day

Anna's pov

Mum took me and Nessie down to la push to see Jacob, because I have never seen a wolf before, my mum thought it was a good idea to show me that wolfs aren't scary.

When we got there the entire pack was there and there was a lot of people in that pack. They all had cut jeans and a tattoo on them, it looked funny .

Mum told me everything about wolfs and about Jacob imprinting on Renesmee and I asked her if she would act like that if a wolf imprinted on me and she smiles and said it depends on who it is.

Mum and Nessie got out of the car but I didn't trust them yet so I stayed in the car, I saw Nessie run into jakes arms ( he finally asked her out a few days ago my dad and mum didn't really like it but she was happy so they let it slide).

Mum was telling them that I was shy and that I didn't trust them yet and they all understood except for jake who walked over to the car and knocked on the window, I rolled it down.

"Hello, you must be Anna I am Jacob but you can call me jake why don't you get out and met the rest of us" jake said calmly

"No" I said harshly

Then he was smiling and I looked at him in confusion then I heard my mum say " I wouldn't jake she is powerful" and with that he opened my door and scooped me up out of the car and put me over his shoulder and headed back to everyone else they were all laughing except my mum and Nessie

I was really angry I couldn't help it I turned invisible, everyone besides mum and Nessie were shocked and then jake fell to the ground because I paralysed him and when he got up he turned into a wolf that's how angry I made him, I turned myself visible again and turned myself into a wolf too making everyone this time shocked.

But I was taller than jake and knocked him to the ground and them i turned back into a human/ vampire but unlike the wolfs I actually still have my clothes on.

I helped jake up and he took of toward his house and in seconds he was back and shocked he looked like he just saw a ghost.

" how in the hell did you just turn into a wolf" he said stunned

" well I can think of a gift then a have it for life, and a few years ago I was wondering what it would be like to turn into a wolf and then when I was thinking about it I looked down and saw paws and yeah so can we get over it now because I really hate to talk about that day" I said sadly

" why what else happened that day" mum asked me

I flinched at the memory " well I sort of got Jane into trouble so she used that pain thing on me for the first time " I said trying not to cry. It was so painful, being half human .

" you mean she did that to you more than once" my mum growled

" just forget I told you, I am home now" I said now trying to calm my mum down.

Then I turned to the pack for the first time and I heard a gasp coming from a boy that looked around my age and everyone just was saying things like " really Seth" or " I always knew Seth would get the hottest" and I blushed at that one

Then my mum walked over to Seth and put a hand on his shoulder and said " did you just imprint on Anna " she asked when I heard that I was excited I would get Seth all to my self and he replied with " I am sorry Bella but yes I did, but please don't try and kill me " he said sounding scared.

" oh I am not going to hurt you Seth I am actually very happy for you and Anna but you do have to do one thing to get my permission" she said smiling

" anything" he said and he was staring at me and we were smiling at each other. I can't wait to get to know him .

" you have to tell Edward about you imprinting on Anna " my mum said and I swear I saw him gulp haha . My dad would most likely be fine with it .

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