Author's Note

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Hey guys, I know what you're thinking. This is not an update, wtf? Just wanted to say thank- you for everyone who has read, voted, and commented on my book because at the end of the day you make me smile so much.

I also still wonder though what is so interesting about my book? haha... but even though my book isn't 'great', and popular, it matters to me that people are enjoying what I love doing. XD

The next chapter I am nervous to write for such a weird reason... and it is stupid that I feel awkward. It is just going to change the story a lot and telling you guys would ruin the point of the chapter, so yeah. Xo

I also had an idea that I would like to answer your question's if you have any, at the end of each chapter, and I just like the idea of 'Question Time' or whatever at the end of each chapter. 

So, just comment question on this update, and I will answer them in the next chapter (If you have any) It could be about anything, music, sport, this book, previous books, or books that I've read. Totally any subject I don't mind. I will also ask you guys questions too. 

1- How old are you guys? I want to know what age my audience is :)

2- Is there anything that you want me to change about this book?

3- what do you like about this book that makes it interesting?

4- Is my book getting boring, or what aspects should I improve on?

(I know that I need to improve of Jack getting happier, #Jemma moments and things like that)

5- What is your favourite TV show?

Don't forget to ask me question if you have any, I shall be updating ASAP and I will answer them there. xo

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