Chapter Thirty- Three

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(A/N) I know what you're thinking. 'About time that I updated?' I haven't updated since over a week and for me that's too long to wait. I was banned from my computer for not getting to bed early enough for school the following day.. hence why I couldn't get on to update, but now that I'm on.. I have no excuse so here is the chapter that I've been not wanting to update. #Soznotsoz  #Don'tSayIDidn'tWarnYou!

Anyways... read on and yeah. Xo

Jack's POV

*Continued from the previous Chapter.....*

My eyes would wander off to Emma every now and then, and I almost had to pinch my self in order to keep my mind off of her. It was going to be hell.... getting over Emma that is; Although I'm prepared. I couldn't live on in my cold, pathetic life... watching my love get pulled away by the one and only Finnegan. I had to either let her go, or face even more pain. I'm sure you know how much I've been through, and you too... should be agreeing with me, right?

I must move on. 

Some day, I'll find a girl that loves me, who'll be perfect in every way, shape or form. Even saying those beautiful qualities always adds up to Emma. Forgetting Emma was going to be like a flower. You forget it, and it dies. That's what I was afraid of, I mean what if Emma and my friendship dies, or even worse... my Jerk- ass brother play's the 'smart' role... and she ends up like Zoella. 

You get the point though.. and throughout my entire vampire, cold- blooded life I waited for a girl like Emma. Now that she has arrived leaving her is just like a waste. All vampire's have is time, but when Emma is around I fell as if my Time is Running out. 

Maybe there will be an end to this and things would go back to normal. Will there be an end... Is normal even a word in a vampire's vocabulary?

I snapped out of my puzzled thoughts, peering out the window that was layered in moisture and small droplets of rain. The dull scenery flickered passed my window as the vehicle sped down the road. Even the sky looked as sad as I was, the way it held it's grey tint of nothing more, nothing less than a cold, object that many people usually forget that it's there. 

That... is the definition of Jack Harries. 



Moments later The car jolted to a stop and my eyes fluttered open. We were at a destination that I hadn't been to before. Knowing Finn (The adventurous bad- boy), him and his friends had been every where for drug reasons, and looking for a shag. He probably used his cheesy pick up lines here in the past, and that is just a trade mark by Finn's name. 

The name Finn disgusted me right about now. 

I have been alive too many years.. and the name Finn is just a speck of dust to me. To be exact I have been alive for 112 years. Finn has been alive for 110 years. I was going well with keeping my profile low, you know.. the whole vampire profile. After that argument year one for Finn started. 

Boy I must say, he was such a little shit when he became a new born. Bruises, after bruises formed and even a shattered wrist at one stage. We heal quite quickly, but depending on your strength it takes longer for people like me. 

I can barely remember the taste of blood now, it's been a while since I've had it. I just had to remain at a safe stage with Emma lurking around. Especially when she is such a tease. I think I've done well though, don't you? 

I am weak, however. The only thing that gives me some strength is meat... and Emma being around me. 

I opened my passenger door, and pulled myself to my feet. Emma and Finn were already observing the area... not to mention observing each other. My face felt pale, and the blood had drained just from thinking about them together. Ugh, how Finn could sicken me in a heat beat. 

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