Chapter 3

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Bucky woke up panting from a nightmare again. He didn't even bother to look at the clock, just ran his hands though his hair and tugged.

The dull ache in his head began fading with the screams and he bit his lip sharply to bring him back to reality.

Glancing over at Steve, he was relieved to find him still asleep. He had spent the previous day teaching Bucky all the new inventions and how it work them, and was tired out.

Flopping back into bed and curling up into a ball,  he tried to get back to sleep. He woke up again at 8:27 and walked into the kitchen.

Steve sat at the counter drinking a hot chocolate with whipped cream. Bucky giggled when he saw the whipped cream on Steve's nose.

You should just kiss that adorable little dork.
Bucky smirked
So I still have a crush on the punk. Spectacular, that'll be fun to deal with.

Bucky hurriedly looked away and searched the counter. He then turned around and mock pouted.

"Where's mine?"

"I didn't make you any."


"You were asleep!"

"You could've have woken me up!"
Yeah but you're so cute when you sleep. Steve thought. But of course he didn't say that.
"Fine you can have some!"

"I'm not making my own, I don't know how!"


Bucky glared at Steve and then, quite suddenly, scrambled up the counter and sat himself, crossed legged, on top of the fridge, sulking.

Bucky glared at Steve and then, quite suddenly, scrambled up the counter and sat himself, crossed legged, on top of the fridge, sulking

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"Buck, come down from there."

"When I get hot chocolate."

"Fine." Steve grumbled. He set to work making the hot chocolate and once Bucky was finished drinking it, Steve blushing furiously when Bucky caught him staring at the way he licked the whipped cream of his lips, they headed out to the avengers tower.

"Guys this is Bucky." Steve announced to the avengers.

"Oh my god look at that hair! That hair is good enough to be in a Lorael ad!" Tony cried out, hastily swallowing a doughnut. Steve snickered at the way Bucky's cheeks glowed a pinky red.

"Hi, I'm Clint aka Hawkeye, nice to meet you, that's tony by the way, or iron man." Clint said holding out his hand. Bucky looked uncertain for a few seconds but shook it.

"HELLO SOLIDER OF WINTER!" Thor boomed.  Clint hastily whispered something into his ear.
Steve snickered again as buck waved weakly.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Banner, or the "other guy"." Bucky immediately took a liking to Doctor Banner, and shook his hand.

"Wanda aka the scarlet witch, and this is vision."

"Greetings." Vision said.

"Hi" Bucky replied with a weak smile.

"You already know Sam." Steve said turning as Sam walked in.

Bucky nodded.

"This is Rhodey."

Bucky smiled again.

"And this is..." Steve began as Natasha walked in.

"Natasha." Breathed Bucky.

"James?" Natasha questioned taking a defence position.

Suddenly, no one knew quite how, Bucky and Natasha were hugging and crying and taking in fast and rapid Russian, and apologizing over and over again.

"I am the only one who's confused?" Toby voiced.

Bucky turned to face them.

"I...had to train her. As the winter solider. She was the only one who could bring me back to myself. An I was punished for it. She escaped. I didn't." Bucky clarified.

"Ohhhh." Clint and Banner muttered in Union.

"Well, now we all know each other, who's up for pizza and a movie?" Tony asked. Everyone agreed and they all sat down to watch a movie and eat pizza.

Bucky slipped off halfway though the movie, a move that was not unnoticed by Steve.

Making his way to the nearest bathroom, he locked the door and pulled out the blade. Seeing Natasha had bought back so many horrible memories and he needed the pain to cope.

A couple minutes later, and with a hiss of pain, he cleaned and bandaged his cuts and returned to watching Kingsman.

Steve shot him a puzzled glance and he pretend not to see it, forcing g himself to laugh with everyone at the pug/bulldog scene.

Steve continued to look at Bucky, and Bucky continued to ignore him fiercely. For gods sakes! I just want to make sure he's okay! Why won't he look at me, godamnit. And yet I still love that jerk.

Holy shit! I love him!


Bam! Hello Stevie! It's your newest epiphany! Anyway hope you like the chapter👋🏻

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