Chapter 10

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"Hey, Stevie?"

"Yeah babe?"

"Can we get ice cream after this?"

"Sure Bucky."

Bucky was sitting in the waiting area of the hairdressers, leg bouncing nervously. He still wasn't used to large groups of unknown people.

A hair dryer started up and he jumped, digging his nails into the palm of his hand, nearly drawing blood, while his metal fist clenched. He felt Steve's hand slowly uncurl his fist and examine his hand.

"Oh Buck." Steve sighed as he saw the indents Bucky's nails had made in his own palm.

"James Barnes?" A peppy brunette, with freckles and blue eyes called out.

"Bucky is fine." Bucky said quietly, standing up and dragging Steve up with him.

"Ok! Any idea what you want today?", the girl asked, showing them to a chair.

Bucky stiffened at the sight of the chair, before Steve jumped into action and began muttering soothing words, while showing the hairdresser a picture of Bucky's hair in the 40's.

"All right!!" The blue eyed personified red bull and coffee cheered. (I love that line😊)


Bucky walked out of the hairdresser with a new hair cut, the promise of ice cream, and a good feeling. He grinned at Steve and pecked him on the cheek in thanks. Steve smiled down at his boyfriend.

His phone suddenly rang, blaring "All the single ladies", and Bucky burst out laughing, remembering when Steve first found him. He didn't know why it was so funny, but he just couldn't stop laughing. 

Steve's grin grew wider as he heard Bucky's laugh, so bright, happy and full of life, it was something Steve had missed hearing. He hung up the phone as Bucky finally stopped laughing.

"The team want to get ice cream with us, we can meet them at the parlour?"

Bucky felt a shot of fear bolt through him. He still wasn't as close to the team as Steve was. Sure they hung out, talked, had dinner, but he still didn't know if they trusted him. He looked up at Steve, who had a hopeful look on his face. He sighed.

"Yeah, that sounds good." He replied, forcing a smile on his face.

"Great!" Steve beamed. Bucky smiled a genuine smile at Steve's expression.

He wove fingers through Steve's and leaned his head against his shoulder. Steve planted a kiss on Bucky's head.

"You're hairs fluffy." He stated.

"Shut up!" Bucky laughed.

"What?! Its all poofy and soft and shit."

"Language!! There are children around."

"We're the only ones on the sidewalk Buck."


Steve let out another laugh and Bucky giggled.

"Come on jerk."



"I said 2 scoops! 2! Jesus Christ Bucky, you're never gonna get to sleep tonight." Steve ran his hand though his hair. He was holding a mint chocolate chip milkshake. (I can dig Elvis. Great. I just gave myself feels.)

"I'm not sleeping tonight for a very different reason." Bucky purred into Steve's ear.

"Bucky!" Steve cried.

"What?" Bucky grinned, licking his 5 scoop cake batter, cookie dough, and chocolate fudge ice cream.

Natasha and Clint walked up to them, her raspberry sorbet balancing precariously as she darted it out of Clint's reach.

Tony was right behind her, with a whiskey/pecan/caramel drink thing, that Thor and Bruce were covertly dropping pieces of fruit from their frozen yogurts into. 

Wanda and Vision were taking turns levitating there ice cream cones, cheered on by Bucky.

Steve smiled. His friends and boyfriend were getting along well, he had a milkshake, and it was raining outside. Life was pretty damn good. 

Steve's smile faltered. If life was good, it was only a matter of time before the world decided to change that.


Dunn Dunn Dunn. Sorry that was so cliché😁. Anyway next chapters an interesting one. Hope you enjoyed it! Bye silver nuggets! 👋🏻

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