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Name-Elizabeth isabeth Cullen

Face:her face was shaped like Edwards with a small nose with freckles placed around her checks, with rosy cheeks that are a deep rose colour that stands out with her pale skin.

Eyes:her eyes are shaped like Bella's with long lashes and bright green eyes, making her eyes big and looking to explore the world.

Hair:her hair washes down her shoulders in curls with a mixture of bronze and brown.

Ageing:she grew a little bit quicker than her sister did, she looked older than her sister,

Her personality was happy and always bright and she always had a smile on her face, she was always a happy baby even with the voltori coming she still managed to place a smile on someone's face.

She was always protective with Renesmee even as they grew she always protected her little sister.

•A mental shield and physical shield.
•talking to renesmee in a mind link.

Daddy:Edward Cullen
They always played piano together and he loved teaching her to play it and she loved learning the music he played.

Mommy:Bella Cullen
They love to play games together and Bella loves to help her daughter with any problems she has.

They play games with each other, she loves making her sister happy and she loves helping her with things.

Imprint:Jacob black:
He loves having her as an imprint as she's always happy and smiling and with her happy he's happy, while she grows he will help her with things she needs help with.

Auntie rose:
They love fixing cars together and rose loves doing her makeup and she treats her like a daughter.

Aunt Alice:
She loves helping her with making cute outfits and she's one well dressed child as aunty Alice always knows what's in fashion.

Uncle Em:
They play video games together and they bet who will win and he loves teaching her to fight to protect her self in the future so if anyone try's to hurt her,they will end up with a broken nose.

Uncle Jasper:
He teaches her about history and what he did in it, and his accent makes her laugh.

He teaches her first aid to help in any situation and he also teaches her about his history and how he meet so many people and what he did in life.

Elizabeth is very close with her grandma, as she taught her how to cook and garden and all about her flowers as Elizabeth loves smelling them.

Grandpa Charlie:
She loves her grandpa and all his story's about her mom, he always say she inherited the clumsy genes as she's always tripping over her self. Making the family laugh.

The pack:
They didn't trust her with the other imprints and the pack would always give them funny looks but all it took was Rachel to give Paul a look and she hugged her future sister in law and they relaxed around the twins.

The witnesses:
They were very scarred of the girls they hadn't seen children like this before but the two little hybrids warmed they ways into there hearts.

There life's as hybrids
Name-Elizabeth isabeth cullen
Age-9 (only a year old)
Imprint-Jacob black
60% vampire 40%human
Very protective of renesmee
Closer to her mother and her aunts

•A mental shield.
•see the future when the course it taken.
•project memories and thoughts to others by touch.
•talking to renesmee in a mind link.

•can be killed like a vampire
•doesn't have a lot of blood
•doesn't sparkle but still pretty skin in sun
•survives on animal blood and food
•hard glass like skin but soft
•eyes that turn in the sun gold eyes, but darkens to black when hungry
•can get pregnant
•has vampire strength but less of a full vampire
•has vampire speed
Name-renesmee Carlie Cullen
Age-9 (only about a year)
50% vampire 50%human
Loves her sister
Closer to her dad and uncles

•project memories and thoughts to others by touch.
•talking to Elizabeth in a mind link.

•die a human death
•has blood
•skin Doesn't sparkle
•Survives on animal blood and food
•skin hard like a vampire
•skin cold but not vampire cold
•has vampire strength
•doesn't have vampire speed but still faster than a human.
•can be near human blood
•can have kids

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