Chapter 8

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Elizabeth POV

More vampires where coming me and Nessie where playing outside when we heard a car stop in front of the main house we looked at each other "Denial" she nods "race you" she smiles as we start running to the front of the house where the denials where talking with mommy and daddy "Carmen" "Kate" there heads snapped up to us they smile as they me and Nessie I ran into Carmen's arms as did Nessie with Kate i put my hand around her neck "hi carmen" she smiles at me "hi honey" as we head round the back of the house to talk.

Granny and grandpa came back with a friend he doesn't talk much he just jumped on the roof and said something about a fight I wonder why? As me and Nessie went to hug our grandparents we told them all about all the vampire that came they smiled at us.

A bit later me and Carmen where inside drawing when Kate walked in "the Egyptian coven is here" she smiles at me as we go outside to see Nessie showing the vampire our past as he bends down and makes a mini tornado in her hand she giggles as it flew into the sky I run over to mommy she smiles at me "hey baby" I smile and look at her "who is that man with Nessie" she smiles at me "that's Benjamin he can control the elements" I smile at her "that's so cool" she laughs "yea baby it is" as we walk over to daddy telling the family about Benjamin's gift as mommy came over to daddy as he watched Nessie with Benjamin.

"Nessie" her head snaps and she smiles "hi Lizzie" I smile at Benjamin and a women standing near him "You must be Elizabeth" I smile and nod "would you show my mate your life"
I smile at him and walk over to the women he was with she smiles "hello sweetie I'm Tia" I smile and place my had on her cheek and showed her my life. once I pulled my hand away she looked at me in amazement and smiles as we talk we hear running in the forest as we look over we she two lady's with darker skin with blood red eyes as they look around I heard daddy say they were form the Amazon coven.

As me and Nessie showed them our lives one of them had powers to see what ever she wants you to see as we stand there Nessie had left with aunt Rose. daddy was looking around in amazement as he dose me and mommy where looking around in confusion "I would think this was real if you weren't holding my hand".

Me and mommy where getting more confused "Edward you didn't say your wife and daughter was a shield" daddy's snapped out of it as mommy looked at Eleazar "what's a shield?" Daddy looked at us in surprise "the ones I've meet are so different" Eleazar looked at us "it's a defensive talent" daddy looked at us both "that's why I couldn't read your mind, that's why Aro couldn't" he looked at both of us "you both a very powerful gift" as mommy smiled at me as mommy's hand was pulled out my hand "she's a shield alright shoulda put her on her ass" as garret came behind her "well your voltage has been exaggerated" Tanya had her hand up and wiggled her fingers at him "maybe it only works on the weak" as garret put his hand up to touch hers grandpa Carlisle told him not to "garret I wouldn't" as he touched her hand he goes crashing to the ground "you are amazing women" I look at him funny and shake my head in discussed.

Carmen laughs as I do "come on honey let's see your aunt" I take her hand as we head inside the house I see grandma Esme cooking as Nessie waits to get her food I run over to her and sit down I see uncle emmet I run over to him and place my hand on his cheek and showed him what happened he lets out a big laugh picks me up aunt Rose comes in "emmet it's time for there nap" uncle emmet pouts but hands me over as me and Nessie are placed in daddy's old room I soon feel asleep as aunt Rose and aunt Esme watched us.

As we woke up me and Nessie ran down the stairs to get something to eat from grandma Esme as we run outside we see Seth Nessie runs to him "hi sethy" he smiles at her "hi Nessie" I walk over to him "hi Seth where Jacob" he smiles at me "hi Lizzie he's with the new shifters"
I smile as he picks her up and I walk over to mommy and everyone else is as they smile at me mommy picks me up I place my hand on her cheek "when is Jackie coming back" mommy smiles at me "we'll see him later" as we talk we hear padding of feet in the forest mommy holds on to me as we speed into the forest to see Jacob with 3 other shifters crashing to the ground I whimper as Jackie goes down as two vampires where on the tree one with blonde hair and brown hair circling them.

"Vladimir Stevan your a long way from home" as we run around to them "what are they doing here" I hear Tanya whisper as they look at us "we heard the voltori was moving against you and you would not stand alone" grandpa Carlisle shakes his head "we didn't do what we were accused of" they both roll there eyes "we do not care what u did Carlisle" as the brunette looks at us "we have been waiting a thousand years for the Italian scum to be challenged" grandpa shakes his head at them "it's not our plan to fight the voltori" they look at each other "Shame aros witnesses will be so disappointed" " they enjoy a good fight" every one looks at each other "Aros witnesses" as we head back to the house they spot me I place my hand on mommy's cheek "can I go with Jake" she looks at me and smiles placing me on the ground I run over to Jake and place my hand on his "can I ride on your back" he nods his head and goes down so I can get on and takes of to the main house.

"Vladimir Stevan your a long way from home" as we run around to them "what are they doing here" I hear Tanya whisper as they look at us "we heard the voltori was moving against you and you would not stand alone" grandpa Carlisle shakes his head "w...

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