Chapter 5

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Bella POV

My body was on fire everything hurt but the pain slowly stopped until the pain was nothing and i finally opened my eyes i sat up from the bed and look around i see everything clearer i can smell everything i can hear everything thing i looked over at the boor to see Edward i rushed over to him he smiled at me i hugged him "Bella your a lot stronger than i am right now" i smiled at him when i heard heart beats then I remembered my daughters.

"Elizabeth, renesmee" he smiled at me "there amazing bella" i was about to go when he stopped me "you need to hunt first" i had just noticed the burning in my throat i put my hand on my throat "you need to hunt and fast" i jump out the window and ran.

Elizabeth POV

Me and Renesmee where really excited because mommy woke up she and daddy are hunting i was playing with Jake me and renesmee are growing very fast i have some teeth jake smiled at me "liz i have to go see your mommy" i smiled at me aunt rose picked me up "ready to see mommy" i smiled at her.

Everyone was in the living room i was excited to see her when a very beautiful lady came in the room she had brown hair with red eyes and very pale skin it was mommy just a healthy mommy but everyone stood in front of me and Nessie after every one stood away mommy seen us she smiled at us.

She picked me up and i smiled at her "Elizabeth" i put my hand on her cheek and showed her when i was in her stomach she looked at me in shock "what was that" daddy looked at me and smiled "how alice has visions and i read minds, there gifted" i get passed to aunt rose and Nessie showed mommy.

I was passed back to mommy and she had me and Nessie but then jake and seth stopped it "thats enough experimenting for today" he tried to take me but mommy held us protectively and growled "whats your problem"

Jake and seth looked nervous "Bella its a wolf thing" mommy looked very angry "whats a wolf thing" but by how angry she is i think she knew daddy was about to touch mommy but "Edward don't touch me right now" jake looked scared "oh no" mommy handed us to daddy and mommy grabbed jake and seth by the neck.

"Next day"

Me and aunt rose where outside she was giving me a bottle when we went inside we passed jake and seth running outside we went i to the living room "mommy" mommy looked at me in shock "she learned some words today" she picked me up and cuddled me "Hi baby" i laughed then aunt alice can in with Nessie "Nessie" she looked at me and laughed daddy picked her up.

"Time skip"

Jake and seth came back and said that he told mommy's daddy that she was here aunt rose and aunt alice told us not to bite him or show him our gifts now we were meeting him daddy walked into the living room with us where mommy and grandpa where talking "charlie" they turned around and mommy smiled "these are our daughter, Elizabeth and Renesmee" he look at us "your nieces" mommy picked me up "our daughters" grandpa looked at them "right the adoption" he look at me "Elizabeth,Renesmee" i smiled at him.

After he left we went to our new house that aunt alice got mommy for her birthday.

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