Chapter 3

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Edward POV

As i see Bella fall I grab her and take her to the delivery room I sit her on a he bed "Rose pass the morphine" as Alice talked to Carlisle Rose was about to cut open Bella "Rose don't".

She looks at me "we have to he's dying" She cuts open Bella but at sight of her blood she was about to attack her as Jacob tackled her to the ground.

"Alive get her out of here" as I look Bella. Jacob looks at me "you have to change her" I look at him and shake my head "not while he's still in there".

"He's suffocating" I bit down and grab one of the twins while Jacob talks to Bella. I look at the first one and smile "Elizabeth" Bella looks up and smiles "beautiful" I pass her and as I stare and my daughter another heartbeat catches my attention I go back and grab my second daughter "renesmee" I pass her to Bella as she stares at her mother, renesmee bits her mother "no renesmee" Bella takes one more look at her daughters and takes her last breath.

"Jacob take them" he looks at them in disgust "keep they monsters away from me" but them Rose and Alice come into the room.

"Give them to us Edward" I gave Rose Elizabeth and Alice renesmee and turn back to Bella.

Elizabeth POV

Me and my sister just came out of our Mother i was taken by a pretty blond lady bathed and put in nice clothes she sat In front of a fire "hi Elizabeth I'm your aunt Rose" she tickles my Tummy and I giggle I put my hand up to her cheek "Hi aunt Rose" she looks at she in shock then laughs "you have a gift" she laughs.

She takes me to the kitchen and grabs a bottle but is heard growling out side she takes me back to the chair and feeds me she puts me on her shoulder I hear someone walk in I look up and see Jacob I smile at him as he walks over to us with a dark look on his face it but the minute his eyes meet mine.

Jacob POV
The minute I looked into this little girls eyes my love for my pack and my only thoughts was to protect her.

Imprinting vision

It's like gravity
It's was showing me in the forest in my wolf form suddenly I catch green eyes and bronze hair and I chase after it.

Your whole centre shifts
We where in a meadow there was a girl with bright emerald green eyes and brown hair the girl looked at me and laughed it was Bella's daughter she started running with me following after her.

'Suddenly It's not earth holding you here'
While we ran she turned round and hugged my wolf form.

'You would do anything'
It showed me in my wolf form protecting her while she was on my back.

'Be anything she needs'
It showed her and me at the beach holding her waist kissing her cheek.

'A friend'
It showed her as a teenager holding her laughing and smiling but then her holding me as she laughed"

'A brother'
It showed me holding her as a toddler reading to her then me teaching her how to play football.

'A protector'
It showed me in my wolf form standing in front of her growling then I howled the flashes of her a adult then a baby'

End of imprint vision

I fall down to my knees looking at my imprint then blondie turns around "what did you do dog" I look at the baby more "what did you do".

I roll my eyes and put my hands out "can I hold her" she looks at me in disgust she was about to tell me but the baby starts giggling so she hands her over "what's her name"

She looks at the baby "Elizabeth isabeth Cullen" she looks proudly then I heard fighting they can't hurt her she's my imprint I give her to the leech and run outside.

I go out side and stand in front of Sam "that's enough" he just growls and starts to come over "you kill her, you kill me" he starts growling I jump back and shift and stand over him.

Edward looks at me "Jacob imprinted" he looks at his family "they can't her another wolfs imprint it's there most absolute law"

They all retreated back into the forest as they did the doctor ran off to help Bella as the rest went to look at the baby's"

Edward POV
I go back into the house to find the girls sleeping in Alice and roses arms I just hope Bella turns. I turn to Jacob "thank you Jacob" he just nobs his head "but I don't know how Bella will take it" his face turns pale."

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