Chapter 7

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Elizabeth POV

Me and Nessie are going to meet our family from Alaska everyone is going all over the country I asked mommy she said not to worry. I wonder why?
Me and Nessie just got to the main house where the family was and a man with tan skin like Jake and Seth.

I ran over to mommy while Nessie went into the house "mommy what's wrong" she looked at me with sad eyes and crouched down to my eye level "honey aunt Alice had left" I started to cry "why" she looked at daddy and me "I don't know sweetie" and hugged me after we hugged we went inside the house where everyone was and got ready after we had our stuff we said our goodbyes and got into the car with Jake and Seth.

3 hours had passed and we were in Alaska driving passed the mountains me and Nessie where colouring in our books while Seth and Jake talked and mommy and daddy where silent as we got to a big house as we stopped two pretty blond lady's and a man and a brunette walked outside the house.

I look over at Nessie and block our minds from daddy "what do u think they'll say about us" I shake my head at her "I don't know Nessie" she looks at me with a scared look "I'm scared sissy" I look at her "I'll protect you sis" she smiles at me as Daddy leaves the car to talk to the people.

Mommy turns around "let's meet new people" I look at Nessie and turn to mommy "what if they don't like us" mommy looks at me about to speak but Jacob cut her of "they'll love you" mommy smiles at him "they just haven't seen anyone like you yet" me and Nessie smile at her as we leave the car Jacob and Seth pick us up we began walking when we heard screams as a blond Lady attacks daddy we watch is shock as he crumbles to the ground as mommy runs over to the lady throwing her.

Bella POV
I Stand in front of Edward protectively  Edward looks at all of them "they have blood in there veins you can feel
There warmth" the brunette looks at the girls "I can feel it" "I'm there biological father Bella's there mother" Tanya look at both of us "impossible" I shook my head "they were born when I was still human" Eleazar look at us "I've never heard of such a thing" Edward look at them "she can show you" he looked at them "Tanya you owe us this much were under a death sentence because our sister didn't let us explain" they all nod.

Elizabeth POV
As mommy and daddy talk to the people they turned to us and nodded as we come over I pulled my hand over to a blond lady she stepped back but mommy stopped us "this is how they communicates I put my hand on her cheek I pull my hand back she looks at me in shock at looks at her sister "it's true there not immortal"

As we talked to our family I was talking with Tanya while Nessie was with Kate. mommy and daddy with Seth and Jacob talked to Tanya and Eleazar "are you coming with us" Carmen smiles at me "yea honey" I smile at her I smiled at Jacob as he talked to  Seth he smiled back at me.Carmen looked at where I was looking "why did you bring dogs" I roll my eyes "that's Jacob my best friend" she can't help but smile at my cuteness.

As we pack our stuff to head home we all hug the denial coven "bye Carmen see you in forks" she smiles at me "bye little one" I rush over to mommy as she picks me up and places me next to Jacob. As we dried home in the car Seth was reading with Nessie and Jake was talking with mommy I was colouring in a picture of a wolf with russet fur I look over at Jake "Jake" he turns around "yea Liz" i smile at him and hand him the picture of the wolf "I made you this" he smiles at me "thanks Liz" I smile at him.

As night fell Nessie and Seth were asleep will mommy and daddy talked I look at Jake "Jake why do we need witnesses" Jake looked at mommy and daddy "to protect our family now go to sleep" I smile at him "night Jackie" he smiles at me and puts a blanket on me "night Lizzie" as I closed my eyes I listen to his heart beat and fall into darkness.

As a bright woke me up from my sleep as I look over jakes shoulder to see Nessie still asleep on Seth as he carried me into the house I seen lots of new people I seen aunt Rose I smile I put my hand on Jacobs cheek "can I see aunt Rose" he smiles at me and places me down I ran over to aunt Rose.

I ran over to aunt Rose "Aunt Rose" her head snaps up and smiles I ran into her arms and she hugs me "how was Alaska honey" I smile at her "it was fun we meet the denial family it was fun" she smiles at me "come meet me and uncle emmets friend" I smile and nod as she takes me over to uncle emmet and a man with brown hair and the only thing my family don't have bright red eyes "emmet" uncle emmet turns around with the man "hey squirt how was Alaska come meet our friend" I smile "it was fun" the red eyed man "who might you be little lady" I smile at him "I'm Elizabeth" I put my hand out he looks hesitate but aunt Rose smiles I put my hand on his cheek I pulled my hand away he smiles at me "aren't you a special little lady" I smile at him I hear running in the forest I grab aunt roses arm and point into the forest she smiles and nods.

I run outside and see Nessie awake sitting at the steps "Nessie" she looks at me "hey Lizzie where's aunt Rose" I smile at her and sit next to her "inside with her and uncle emmets friend I showed him our births" she smiles "why do you think we need these people" i smile at her "I don't know sis lets just hope for the best" I smile at her.

I hear running in the forest I see three people with red hair and bright red eyes we see mommy and daddy and run over to me they three new people's red eyes snap to me and Nessie and she hides behind me I smile at the younger looking one daddy stands in front of us as aunt Rose and emmet come outside.

Daddy looks at the male member "hello" the man looks at daddy "we heard about the children we would love to meet them" daddy steps from in front of us and there red eyes looked at us I stepped forward as Nessie was scared i stood in front of the man as he bent down to my level "hello Liam" he looks taken back I put my hand on his cheek everyone stares at us as I pull my hand away "well lass we'll stand with ya" mommy smiles at me as we talked Seth and Jake came in there wolf forms the vampires stopped and looked and growled but me and Nessie smiled "Jake" "Seth" they stopped as we ran over to them and hugged there necks I hear maggie giggle at the adults faces.

Let's just hope granny and grandpa gets more of there friends to help what ever happens.

~thanks guys for all the votes and reads guys~

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